Sunday 18 October 2015

Soul/ Conscious and its Training (3)

In part (1) & (2) of this article we have seen that human exists in the form of pair of body and soul; soul is actually human conscious. When human body expires, its conscious/soul moves out of its body. This worldly life is actually meant for trial of human conscious/ soul. On ‘yum e alast’, human conscious/soul, before taking birth into this world, has developed some intentions as to how much he/she would submit to Allah’s Lordship in response to stimuli faced by him/her in real life after taking birth in the world. But these intentions and stimuli thereof are not brought into real existence on ‘yum e alast’- ‘yum e alast’ is a day which occurs before human’s birth into this world; these intentions and stimuli may be termed as simulations on ‘yum e alast’. Allah sends human conscious/soul into this world so that her/his intentions and all stimuli thereof may be brought into existence in reality so that he/she may be made known to his/her intentions (good or bad intentions). After human conscious/soul takes birth into this world, his/her intentions and all stimuli thereof are made a part of his/her unconscious mind. When human conscious/ soul comes to know his/her unconscious mind in this world, these intentions and stimuli thereof become a part of his/her sub-conscious or conscious mind. When these intentions and stimuli thereof become a part of sub- conscious or conscious mind, these intentions and stimuli thereof are brought into real existence in this world; in other words, when human intentions and stimuli thereof are brought into existence in reality in this world, such intentions and stimuli thereof become a part of sub-conscious or conscious mind. In this way human being is made known to his/her intentions (good or bad intentions). 

But it may be appreciated the human intentions developed on ‘yum e alast’ are based on the stimuli to be faced by the human in the real life after taking birth in this world. It means we can manipulate our intentions developed on ‘yum e alst’ by manipulating stimuli to be faced by us in the real world after taking birth. It means human soul/conscious may be trained by managing stimuli causing human intentions.
In the real world, human being exists as a pair of human body and human conscious/soul.  As this world is meant for trial of human conscious/soul, human conscious, after pairing with human body,  performs all its functions through human body. Even ‘will to develop intention’ (good or bad intention) is also shown by human conscious through human mind/ brain function. Human conscious/soul has all the characteristics/ potentialities/observations which are contained by the human body; in other words, all emotions, skills, capabilities, functions, intellect, knowledge, observations, experiments, in short, everything related to human body is also related to human conscious; similarly everything related to human conscious/soul is also related to human body. The only difference between human body and human conscious/soul is that human body is an tangible entity whereas human conscious/soul is intangible entity (for details pls see  
There are mainly two types of stimuli which cause human conscious to have an intention; these stimuli may be called internal and external. The internal stimuli are part of human conscious and include intellect, knowledge, skills, capabilities, observations, experiences and emotions gained by the human conscious (for details plz see;;  And   As already mentioned, everything related to human conscious is also related to human body, it means all emotions, intellect, knowledge, skills, capabilities, observations, experiences granted to human conscious are also part of the human body.
The external stimuli are what come to the human conscious from outside but have not yet become the part of the human conscious;  these may be relating to all social systems a human is subjected to in his/her worldly/ social life. These internal and external stimuli come to human conscious and cause him/her develop an intention (good or bad intention) in response to such stimuli. If the intention is in line with submitting to Allah’s Lordship, the intention is called good intention; otherwise it is called bad intention. Human conscious has ‘will to develop intention’; human conscious has ‘will to develop good or bad intention’. It is the basic difference between a human and an animal. An animal does have instinct to undertake action (good or bad action) but an animal does not have ‘will to have good or bad intention’. Human being is unique in having the quality of ‘will to develop good or bad intention’; human being has got the right to ‘will to develop good or bad intention’; Allah has graced human being with such a right/quality. It is the greatest responsibility undertaken by the human being- such great responsibility which, according to the Quran, was not shouldered even by the skies, the earth and the mountains (al-ahzab-72).
The external stimuli coming to human conscious do not directly cause human conscious develop good or bad intention; rather external stimuli at the first stage become a part of internal stimuli and impact human emotions (i.e. internal stimuli)  then at the second stage human emotions (i.e. internal stimuli)  cause the human’s ‘will to develop  intention’ to adopt good or bad intention. In the process of adopting good or bad intention, human’s ‘will to develop intention’ may be influenced by intellect, knowledge, observations, experiences, skills and capabilities, in short all internal stimuli,  gained by the human conscious (continued).  

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