Wednesday 5 October 2016

Emotions – existence in pair


We have already seen in the article    that on ‘youm e alast’- Allah made all human beings acknowledge that HE is their ‘Rab’/ the Sustainer and Lord. When Allah made souls/ bodies of all human beings acknowledge His Lordship, all souls/ bodies of human beings made acknowledgement to that effect. Souls/ bodies of all human beings accepted/ submitted that Allah is their Lord, but such submissions by all souls/ bodies of human beings to Allah were not uniform; the level of submission to Allah’s Lordship by more pious people was greater than that of lesser pious people.  Not only that but also for every individual event he/she was to face in his/her life after taking birth in this world, soul/body of every human being submitted to Allah’s Lordship in various degrees. The objective behind Allah’s question was to know how much every soul/ human being would submit to Allah in his life matters after taking birth in this world; the reply by each soul showed how much he/she would submit to Allah in various incidents in his/her life after taking birth in this world. These various levels of submission shown by soul/body of individual(s) to Allah’s Lordship in various incidents of future worldly life are called individual’s intentions/ ‘neyyat’. These intentions/ ‘neyyat’ are actually developed when baby has fully developed into body of flesh and bones but is still within mother’s womb; ‘youm e alast’ happens when baby is still within mother’s womb. In psychological terms, these intentions are called unconscious level of human mind.  These levels of submission/ intentions shown by soul of an individual on ‘youm-e-alst’ to Allah’s Lordship about his/her future life incidents are made apparent to him in his life after he/she takes birth in this world.  That is why every individual is liable to get punishment or reward for only such deeds which are based on his/her intentions, as our Nabi (saw) states that “deeds are based on intentions/ ‘neyyat’. These neyyat/ intentions shown by soul/body of an individual on ‘youm e alast’ are actually the emotions granted to that human body/soul; these emotions are to be made basis of deeds of that soul/ body after his/her taking birth in this world.

In the article that We have also seen that an individual’s Conscious is the AWARENESS of all that he has in his life. In addition to AWARENESS, Conscious/ ‘ME’ has another quality; it has ‘WILL’ to adopt the good or the bad knowingly that they are good or bad.  All other factors like intellect, knowledge, information, ideas, skills, observations, experiences, feelings, and perceptions impact our Emotions which further impact our soul/conscious/ ‘ME’, but decision making is the job of Conscious/Soul/ ‘ME’. 

Because our Conscious has ‘Will to make good or bad decision’, and because the final decision making is to be made by our Conscious, it means our Conscious has its own intellectual faculty.  Actually there are two separate intellectual faculties. The first Intellectual faculty functions through physical senses whereas the second Intellectual faculty operates through extra sensory senses. Both these Intellectual faculties may generate different Ideas OR may generate the same Idea. In other words, human intellect, senses and Ideas all exist in pairs, like every other thing existing in nature.  Physical Intellect is paired with extra sensory Intellect; physical senses are paired with extra sensory senses; physical Ideas are paired with extra sensory Ideas. Both Physical Intellectual faculty and extra sensory Intellectual faculty give their inputs to human Conscious which, on the basis of inputs given, uses its ‘Will to adopt the good or the bad deed’. 

Actually physical Intellect and extra sensory Intellect do not directly impact our Conscious; they impact our Conscious through our Emotions/Intentions. Human Emotions also exist in pair. One type of Emotions are those which are driven by physical Intellect; and the second kind of Emotions are those which are driven by extra sensory Intellect. Both kinds of Emotions may result in the good or the bad deeds; if Emotions are in line with acknowledgement of Allah’s Lordship, they lead to good deeds; otherwise they may result in bad deeds. Our Conscious exercises his ‘Will to adopt the good or the bad, by choosing/adopting between the Emotions leading to good deeds or leading to bad deeds.
 We have already seen in the article that "these human emotions/traits are neither good nor bad in their essence; it is the human choice of the situations, and kind and magnitude of these emotions/traits to manifest in those situations, which makes a human deed good or bad. In fact both kinds of Intellectual faculties impact their respective kind of emotion- physical faculty impact physical emotions and extra sensory faculty impact extra sensory emotions. At the same time, physical faculty may impact extra sensory emotions and extra sensory faculty may impact physical emotions; it means though physical emotions are BASICALLY driven by physical Intellectual faculty but such emotions may also be impacted by extra sensory Intellectual faculty/emotions. Similarly though extra sensory emotions are BASICALLY driven by extra sensory Intellectual faculty, such emotions may also be impacted by physical faculty/emotions.  Ultimately it is job of human Conscious to decide as to what kind of emotions are to be adopted and to what degree two kinds of emotions are allowed to impact each other; human Conscious' selection of emotions and pattern of their configuration determines whether human deed is good  or bad. In other words, there are two parallel streams of emotions which are feeding human Conscious. One stream of emotions is the outcome of functioning of physical Intellectual faculty; this physical faculty gives pattern to physical emotions on the basis of the data received through physical senses. The second stream of emotions is the outcome of functioning of extra sensory Intellectual faculty; this Intellectual faculty gives pattern to extra sensory emotions on the basis of the data received through extra sensory senses. It is the human Conscious which decides as to what stream of emotions is to be adopted by the human being, and as to what degree/extent these two streams are allowed to impact each other. It means the dyarchy of Physical Being and Extra Sensory Being within human being is merged into a Single Being in human Conscious/ human being.  It may  be appreciated that -like senses and intellectual faculties- stimuli to stimulate senses also exist in pair; one kind of stimuli is physical and the other one is non-physical. Physical stimuli  impact both physical senses and extra sensory senses; similarly non-physical stimuli also impact both physical senses and extra sensory senses. It means the same stimuli e.g. knowledge, information, Ideas, experiences, observations, capabilities, feelings, perceptions etc stimulate physical and extra sensory senses which cause respective Intellectual faculties work and produce respective Ideas which impact respective Emotions which are used by human Conscious for final decision-making (good or bad). It means thinking process in human being starts from single set of stimuli, passes through dyarchy of Intellectual faculty (which is divided into physical and extra sensory Intellectual faculties), and ends into single decision through single Conscious.  

 Human emotions are neither good nor bad in their essence; it is the human Conscious' choice of the situations, and kind and magnitude of these emotions to manifest in those situations, which makes a human deed good or bad. It means human intentions are actually human Conscious' selection of Emotions (physical or extra sensory or a mix of the two due to accepting impact of each other) to display with certain magnitude in certain situations. Human intentions are certain configurations of human Emotions in certain situations.

We may conclude that human emotions are in fact human intentions which are developed by the human being on the ‘youm e alast’. Human emotions -like Intellect, senses and Ideas-  also exist in pair. One kind of Emotions is that which is driven by physical Intellect and the second type is that which is driven by extra sensory Intellect. Both kinds of Intellectual faculties i.e. physical Intellectual faculty and extra sensory Intellectual faculty impact their respective Emotions which further impact our Conscious, and the Conscious adopts for the good decision or the bad decision by choosing between the two kinds of Emotions, and by allowing these two kinds of Emotions to impact each other- if the Emotions chosen by the Conscious are in line with acknowledgement of Allah’s Lordship, they produce good deeds; otherwise bad deeds are produced by the human being  . In this way, the intentions developed in an individual on ‘youm e alast’ are made apparent  to him/her.

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