Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Majority Will and Islamic Political System

Political scholars’ views regarding role of principle of majority in the process of political decision-making in an Islamic state are polarized into two extremes. One group opines that political decision-making in an Islamic state is to be done by only eligible people/ the people showing sufficient knowledge and piety. The other group advocates the right of common people to participate in the process of political decision-making. In the succeeding lines, we would thrash out this issue in the light of Islamic injunctions.
In fact, in Islam, the process of political decision-making is mainly divided into two stages. The first stage is pertaining to common people without discrimination; and the second stage is relating to specified persons/people.
In respect of first stage i.e. relating to common people’s decision-making, we have seen in "Islamic Political System-its main contours (1)" that primarily decision-making in an Islamic political system is to be done on the basis of principle of majority, but the majority opinion has to be in line with Quran and sunnah. In other words, Islam does not debar majority people from taking part in the process of decision-making, rather makes it compulsory for the people to take part in the process of decision-making. However the opinion reached at by the majority people has to be in accordance with Islamic injunctions. All texts/ sayings of our Nabi (saw) in favor of principle of majority, quoted in that article, are reiterated below to elaborate this point.
“Whatever the Muslims hold to be good is good before Allah”;
“My followers will never agree upon what is wrong”;
“It is incumbent upon you to follow the most numerous body”;

Form these above quoted texts, it is clear that principle of majority has been given sanctity in Islam (if decision reached at is not contradictory to Quran and sunnah). But what is to be noted is that people’s participation is a must to constitute a majority; majority cannot be formulated without participation of all (at least majority) people in the process. In other words, a majority (of all Muslims) emerged without participation of at least majority people in the process would not be a majority given sanctity in Islam. It means in order to avail blessings attached with the majority (of all Muslims), Muslims are obliged to formulate majority by taking part in the process of decision-making, directly or indirectly, through the political system. In other words, decision-making is a sacred trust given to Muslims which have to dispense with this trust by constituting majority in the process of decision-making. Islam makes it compulsory for the Muslims to take part in the process of decision-making through formulating majority under the political system.

Many Quranic texts also make it compulsory for the Muslims to take part in the process of decision-making. For instance all verses stating about ‘mutual consultation’ bind the Muslims to get into process of political decision-making.
“So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. And when you have decided, then rely upon Allah. Indeed, Allah loves those who rely [upon Him]” (al-imran-159).
Allah has mentioned identity of Muslims as “And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is [determined by] consultation among themselves…”  (al-shura-38).

These above mentioned verses make it mandatory for the Muslims to give their input (directly or indirectly) in the process of political decision-making. 

Similarly all verses stating about ‘amr bil maroof wa nahe anil munkar’ and sura al-asr actually bind the Muslims to become part of process of political decision-making. Obviously political field may not be left out of performance of obligation of 'amr bil maroof wa nahe anil munkar' and performance of 'tawasau bil haque and tawasau bil sabr'.
“You are the best nation produced [as an example] for mankind. You enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong…” (al-imran-110).

The individual aspect of this obligation has been mentioned in Sura Luqman in which Hazrat Luqman advises his son as follows:

“O my son, establish prayer, enjoin what is right, forbid what is wrong, and be patient over what befalls you. Indeed, [all] that is of the matters [requiring] determination(Luqman-17).

“By time. Indeed, mankind is in loss. Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy” (al-asr).

It is important to note that No Quranic verse states about exclusion of less wise/ less pious people from the process of mutual consultation or absolves wicked persons from the duty of  performance of ‘amr bil maroof wa nahe anil munkar’ or performance of 'tawasau bil haque and tawasau bil sabr'. Muslims are under obligation to perform these duties in the field of political system as well. The reason is that even the most wicked person happens to be good in some matters; and the most noble person may be bad in some matters. In short, Quran and hadith allow/bind all Muslims to participate in the political decision-making which involve all types of matters. Actually, there is another special reason for not excluding any specific class from the process of political decision-making at the first stage. That special reason is the provision of second stage i.e. relating to decision-making by specified people. Because all people may not be equal in piety and knowledge, decision-making at the first stage may be defective. In order to remove deficiencies in the decision-making at the first stage, the second stage of political decision-making is confined to only special people/ people having required standard of piety and knowledge. 

This second stage in political decision-making has been provided in the following texts:
“O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best [way] and best in result” (al-nisa-59).

In this above quoted verse, basic principle of conduct of Islamic state and Muslims has been given. Whether the difference of opinion is between the Islamic state and the Muslims or it is among the Muslims, the dispute will be resolved according to Quran and Sunnah.

Quran says: "  And of the people is he who disputes about Allah (His words) without knowledge or guidance or an enlightening book [from Him]" (al-hajj-8). From this verse, it is inferred that in order to declare any thing from Allah ( to declare Allah's intention), the declaring person must be having knowledge; he must be rightly guided; and his opinion must be based on Quran and Sunnah. 
 Our nabi (saw) states " in a situation where you confront a matter of which no solution you find in Quran and Sunnah, refer such matter to pious and Allah's obedients among you, and it must be decided through consultation, and you must not decide it on the basis of a single person's opinion". 

 From the above quoted authorities, we may infer that,  in order to make up inequalities among Body of Muslims in terms of piety and knowledge, and deficiencies reflected at the first stage of decision-making, a second stage for the decision-making has been provided, in which most pious and scholar  persons would participate.  According to above mentioned hadith, the decision-making at the second stage also would be based on consultation; the word 'consultation' implies that majority has the option not to accept the decision/solution made at the second stage (if there exist more than one Islamic solutions), but majority cannot adopt what has been declared wrong by the learned and pious people at the second stage. 

During the initial period of Islamic history, first and second stages were not distinguished; decision-making was made at the single stage in which people of city state of Medina were allowed to participate in the process of decision-making without any discrimination in terms of piety and knowledge.  There was no second stage of decision-making at that time and decisions reached at were not reviewed at the second stage. The reason is obvious; our Nabi (saw) himself participated in and endorsed the decisions made at the first stage; there was no need to review them at the second stage.  The same practice of decision-making at single stage continued during periods of four Caliphs, and the second stage was not resorted to for the reason that Caliph, along with men of piety and knowledge, himself participated in and endorsed the decisions made at single stage. In other words, the decisions made by the common people and rectification of such decisions by men of piety and knowledge was done in the same single stage. This practice of decision-making at single stage was possible at that time because all common people could not be involved in the process of decision-making due to limited and inefficient means of communication at that time. The decisions reached at by limited number of common people which were able to participate in the process of decision-making could be rectified by men of piety and knowledge at the same single stage. But now that number of common people able to participate in the process of decision-making is huge and decisions made by those common people cannot possibly be rectified by men of piety and knowledge at the same single stage, it is crying need of time to distinguish clearly and functionally first and second stages of political decision-making.

It may also be noted that any political system, not drawing strength from the common people, cannot survive long enough. We have seen collapse of USSR only after seventy years of its inception; this political system was relying on a specific class and not exacting power from the common people. Similarly capitalist system is also bound to collapse due to the same reasons.  Islam remained a dominant power of this world for one thousand years, because monarchy/khilafah was backed by common people; monarchy/ khilafah was not only a system of selecting ruler/caliph but also a system of governance drawing strength from common people.

We may conclude that Islam allow/ bind common people to participate in the process of political decision-making without any discrimination in terms of piety and knowledge. However defective decisions made by common people are liable to be rectified by men of piety and knowledge. The parliament and assemblies may be taken as symbol of common people’s participation in the political decision-making; similarly ‘shura’ –as mentioned in my article "Islamic Political System-its main contours (3)" may be taken as symbol of men’s of piety and knowledge participation in this process. That model of Islamic Political System, as delineated in that article-i.e. Islamic Political System-its main contours (3)- may also lend continuity to the Islamic political system envisaged by it, which cannot be lent for long enough period, if political system is relying on a particular class (religious or secular class).

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Universe Travel within Man's Life Span

We have seen in my article “Model of Universe- a Quranic perspective this universe consists of seven skies, placed one above the other. This universe, consisting of millions of galaxies, is so vast that man requires millions of light years to travel through even a single galaxy. But Allah says He has made this universe conquerable for man; it implies this universe is travel-able by man within his life span. In fact, Allah has made special arrangements for man to travel through this universe within his life span. This special arrangement provides for special sky gates/paths to travel through seven skies, and through every single sky. These sky gates/paths are shortest and fastest ways to travel through seven skies and through every single sky.

In the article “Time and Space-existence in pairs”, and in “Time Travel”,  we have seen that events happen quicker on 1st sky as we move from 1st sky to upper skies. In other words, space and time start expanding more as we move from 1st sky to upper skies; OR space and time start contracting more as we move from seventh sky to 1st sky. This gradual contraction of time and space on first sky- resulting in gradually quicker happening of events on earth as we move upwards from 1st sky- reaches to such an extent that events happening in 211.22 days on earth would be seen happening so only in one second on seventh sky; similarly events to happen on earth would start taking time gradually more than one second, as we move down from 7th sky to lower skies. It means events on earth start taking lesser time to happen as we move from 1st sky to upper skies; this gradual contraction in time on earth is   due to gradual contraction of space as we move from upper skies to first sky. 

In my article “Origin of Universe and Dark Matter” and in the article “Nature of Space and Dark Matter”, we have seen that contraction/expansion of space actually means contraction/expansion of Dark Matter. In other words gradual contraction of time on earth as we move form 1st sky to upper skies is due to gradual contraction of Dark Matter as we move from the seventh sky to first sky. In other words, gradual expansion of time- as we move from first sky to upper skies- which results in gradually quicker happening of events on earth is due to gradually more expansion of Dark Matter as we move from first sky to upper skies.

This is the special arrangement made by Allah for man to travel through this universe within man’s life span. This special arrangement provides for such paths which run through such a low density Dark Matter space which may reduce (up to 18250000 times) a time required for an event to happen on earth.  Man, treading upon such low density Dark Matter paths, would be able to travel through  galaxies within a few years- the galaxies which according to earth time require millions of years to be traversed through.
When we move from 1st sky to upper skies, events happen gradually quicker on 1st sky. When we reach at second sky, events happen quicker at 1st sky; when we reach at 3rd sky, the most quickly happening events would be on 1st sky and second most quickly happening events would be on second sky. When we reach at 4th sky, the most quickly happening events would be on 1st sky, and the second most quickly happening events would be on second sky, and the third most quickly happening events would be on 3rd sky, and so on so forth. When we reach at the seventh sky, the most quickest events happen on 1st sky; and the most slowest events happen on the seventh sky. It means as we move from the 1st sky to upper skies, events gradually happen quicker on the 1st sky, because events gradually happen slower on upper skies. It means man would observe gradually slower time as he moves to upper skies. In other words, if man is on 7th sky, only one second will pass on him for every 211.22 days passed on earth. It means gradually quicker happening of events on 1st sky, as we move from 1st sky to upper skies, does not impact ageing process of man according to speed of events going on 1st sky.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Nature of Space and Dark Matter


We have already seen in my articles “Time Travel”  and “Time and Space-existence in pairs”  that events happen quicker 0n 1st sky as we move from 1st sky to upper skies; it means space starts contracting/ condensing more as we move from seventh sky to 1st sky. In other words, space starts expanding more as we move from 1st sky to upper skies. It means both time and space contract on earth more as we move from 1st sky to upper skies. Thus, by spending a few seconds in upper skies, we can see the events happening in future hundreds of years on earth. It means we can draw conclusion that mankind can travel in time; this is what has been actually done by Hazrat Muhammad (saw) during ‘journey of Meraj’.
In the article “Time and Space-existence in pairs”,  we have also seen that space is not equally expanded or contracted throughout in a sky; it may happen that in the same sky, space is more expanded at some places and more contracted at some other places. In other words, space and time have various degrees of expansion and contraction not only in different skies but also in the same sky. It means in the same sky, events may occur comparatively quicker at some places, and comparatively slower at some other places. This fact may be substantiated on the basis of Hazrat Uzair’s story mentioned in Quran.

Now we deal with the point why space and time contract as we move from the 1st sky to upper skies; and why space and time are  expanded at some places in a sky or contracted at some other places in the same sky. 

From the outset it may be noted that contraction/expansion of space is actually contraction/expansion of Dark Matter contained in space. We have seen in my article “Origin of the Universe and Dark Matter” that Allah has created ‘darkness’ and ‘the light’. We know that light is a form of matter; this form of matter was released during Big Bang and was gradually solidified into the form of universe as we find it today; this form of matter may be called Luminous Matter; all the rest of matter may be called ‘Dark Matter’ which is spread everywhere in the space since before Big Bang. The matter contained in the celestial bodies/universe-making out of Big Bang- may be called ‘Luminous Matter’, because it is visible; and the matter contained in the space (even before Big Bang) may be called ‘Dark Matter’, because it is invisible.
The creation and expansion of this universe is the outcome of interplay between the Luminous Matter and the Dark Matter.

When this universe/Luminous Matter/ energy erupting out of singularity expands into the space with pressure, it pushes the space/Dark Matter around it; the more space/Dark Matter is being pushed, the greater it is being condensed. That is why space/Dark Matter is most condensed on the first sky which is at the bottom of seven skies. That is why events happen quicker on earth as we move from first sky to upper skies (for details plz see my article "Time Travel"). The more the surrounding space/Dark Matter is being pushed by the universe/Luminous Matter, greater pressure is being built on the peripheral universe/Luminous Matter by the Space/Dark Matter. When the pressure with which the universe/Luminous Matter is expanding will become lesser than the pressure exerted by the space/Dark Matter on peripheral universe, the universe/Luminous Matter will be started to be rolled up by the space like rolling up a scroll -as has been mentioned in al-anbiyaa-104. The concept of rolling up the universe like  a scroll may be better understood by looking into the model of the universe described in my article "Model of Universe -a Quranic perspective"; this model looks like an open book whose each page is one of the seven skies. The more the universe will be rolled back, the greater pressure will be built inside the universe and finally whole matter of the universe will be smashed into ‘singularity’ with infinite pressure, temperature, density and infinitely small size. When the pressure inside this singularity will become greater than the pressure being exerted by the space/Dark Matter on this singularity, this singularity will again erupt into the space in the form of Big Bang to make the universe/Luminous Matter afresh.

From the foregoing it becomes clear that contraction/expansion of space and time depends upon how much Dark Matter is depressed; where Dark Matter would be depressed greater, space and time would be contracted greater; where Dark Matter would be depressed lesser, time and space would be contracted lesser or expanded more. Dark Matter may be or may not be uniformly distributed throughout the space before Big Bang but after Big Bang, various degrees of  pressure exercised on Dark Matter by the Luminous Matter at various places convert Dark Matter into densities of various degrees at various points in space.
The seven skies are found in layers one above the other. Space and time are contracted more on earth as we move from the 1st sky to upper skies; this gradual contraction in space and time is due to this factor mentioned above i.e. space and time on first sky are contracted more as Dark Matter in first sky is depressed gradually more as compared to Dark Matter contained by upper skies. The difference in degree of space and time contraction on the same planet (as is obvious from Hazrat Uzair’s incident described in Quran and mentioned in article  Time and space – existence in pairs” ) may also be explained due to this factor mentioned above i.e. Dark Matter is found with various densities at various points in Earth space either due to its natural pattern of distribution (i,e, Dark Matter is found with various densities in space since before Big Bang) or due to Luminous Matter's pressure in various degrees exerted on Dark Matter; where Dark Matter's density is greater, time and space are contracted more and events happen quicker ; where Dark Matter's density is lesser, time and space are lesser contracted and events happen slower. In fact where observer (man) sees events happening quicker, time is passing slower on him; and where observer (man) sees events happening slower, time is passing faster on him. Time, in its slowness or fastness, is a relative thing.In other words, when we find themselves in higher density dark matter area/space, we see that events in comparatively lesser density dark matter area/space happen slower and vice versa.

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Implications of Dark Matter

We have already seen in my article “Origin of Universe and Dark Matter” that space is not an empty entity; it can exert pressure on the universe/celestial bodies. It means, space also contains matter. In other words, matter has two types- one contained in the celestial bodies/universe (created out of Big Bang) and the other contained in the space (since before Big Bang). We have also already seen my many previous articles particularly in the article “Reality of Creation-existence in pairs”, that everything exists in pair. Matter also exists in pair. The matter contained in the universe/celestial bodies (created out of Big Bang) is paired with matter contained in the space (since before Big Bang). The difference is that the matter contained in the celestial bodies/universe may be called ‘Luminous Matter’, because it is visible; and the matter contained in the space may be called ‘Dark Matter’, because it is invisible. Quran states about these two kinds of matter as follows:
“[All] praise is [due] to Allah , who created the skies and the earth and made the darkness(es) and the light…” (al-anam-1).

In this verse, it is stated that Allah has created ‘darkness’ and ‘the light’. We know that light is a form of matter; this form of matter was released during Big Bang and was gradually solidified into the form of universe as we find it today; all the rest of matter may be called ‘Dark Matter’ which is spread everywhere in the space  since before occurence of Big Bang.

Space, which contains ‘Dark Matter’ is continuously exerting pressure on the universe/celestial bodies (i.e. Luminous Matter). This pressure exerted by ‘Dark Matter’ on the ‘Luminous Matter’ has many implications:

Firstly, it explains the phenomenon of Big Bang and Big Crunch (plz see for details my article ‘Origin of Universe and Dark Matter’.

Secondly, this pressure exerted by Dark Matter, along with curved space caused by mass/weight of a planet/celestial body, provides for gravitational pull exerted by that celestial body/planet (for details plz see my article ‘Law of Gravity and Quran’. 

Thirdly, space is surrounding every material thing, and Dark Matter is present everywhere in the space; it means Dark Matter is exerting pressure on every material thing (luminous matter)-every planet and every atom. In other words, it is Dark Matter’s pressure which determines shape of every material thing. It is this Dark Matter which holds together all constituents of an atom and gives them form of an atom.In other words, the force combining an atom is provided by Dark Matter. It would also mean that physical structures of all biological creatures including human beings are also determined, along with genetic set ups, by Dark Matter.
Dark Matter is spread everywhere in the space and space is penetrating into every material thing; space is present among the constituents of every material thing. It means Dark Matter is present among the basic constituents of every biological structure and an atom, and exerting pressure on those constituents to break them apart. In other words, it is Dark Matter which is giving shape to all biological structures; it would also mean that Dark Matter, on the one hand, is holding together an atom, and, on the other hand, splits atom apart. Whenever Dark Matter present inside of a planet/ a thing becomes greater in density than the Dark Matter present and exerting pressure from the outside of that planet/thing, it results in splitting up that planet/atom/thing; the same phenomenon in reverse form causes fusion of atoms and increasing density of things/planets.

Fourthly, we observe that every galaxy/planet in space is rotating; this phenomenon also may be explained in term of pressure exerted from all directions by Dark Matter on galaxy/planet. 

Fifthly, it is pressure exerted by Dark Matter which holds together this universe and determines how much this universe may expand and when this universe will start contracting. 

Sixthly,  Laws of Newton may also be explained in terms of Dark Matter. When we exert force against any body, actually we depress the Dark Matter around that body. The more the Dark Matter is depressed, the greater pressure is exerted against that body which shows equal reaction. 

Seventh, the Law of Density may also be explained in terms of Dark Matter.

In short, apart from above mentioned, many physical phenomenon may be explained in terms of Dark Matter. Dark Matter's phenomenon may be applied in a number of ways in medical and physical sciences. This phenomenon may be applied to effected body cells in treatment of many diseases. The phenomenon may also be applied to have desirable shape of biological structures, and physical entities. In short, miraculous achievements may be gained in various science fields by changing density of Dark Matter. Scientists may find out many  avenues in physical sciences to apply Dark Matter's phenomenon.