Monday, 28 February 2011

Importance of Sunnah

Quran Pak's meanings are multi-layerd; every person can have access to the layer of meanings according to its capacity. The more a person gets access to  layers of meanings of Quran, the more learned he is; but all persons do not have equal access to layers of meanings of  Quran. As we know Quran is guidance to become obedient to Allah; as such all people, having ordinary knowledge and the learned ones, have right to avail complete guidance as enshrined in Quran. But ordinary people who don't have access to all layers of Quranic meanings can't avail complete Quranic guidance to achieve complete obedience to Allah. For such ordinary people, Allah has graciously bestowed a priceless gift of " Sunnah"- which is based on such layers of   Quranic meanings which are essential to be known for spiritual elevation. The ordinary people can avail complete Quranic guidance for spiritual elevation by following "Sunnah".

Muslims can't get glory without obedience to Allah- without establishing Allah's given systems, as understood by the holy Prophet; rise up to put on concerted efforts to change your systems on the basis of "Sunnah".

Sunday, 27 February 2011

Corruption Remedy

we see absolute corruption in Pakistan. The reason is monopoly of some social groups in their respective fields; when these groups involve in corruption,they develop monopolized system of corruption in their respective fields. In our system of governance monopoly and corruption are intertwined and reinforce each other. If we want to eliminate corruption from our society, we need to break up monopolies of groups involved in corruption. One of these major corrupt and monopoly groups is bureaucracy which develop monopolized system of corruption through their national or provincial cadres.We need to break up monopoly of bureaucracy to eliminate corruption; in other words, we need to abolish national and provincial cadres of bureaucracy; we need to split up these national and provincial cadres into ministerial or departmental cadres which, on the one hand, would eliminate monopolized corruption, and,on the other hand, would provide room for development of specialization which would further enhance efficiency in service delivery.

Sunday, 20 February 2011

Second Rise of Islam

Dear People,
Second Rise Of Islam is about to begin most probably in sep 2025 after a decline of 500 years, and will culminate into Islamic domination later on (InshaAllah). This rise will continue for one thousand years.Don't wait for end of world; end of world is not going to happen at least in the next one thousand years. We need to establish Islamic systems in order to achieve second rise of Islam; Muslims! rise up to welcome this new era and change your systems to replace them with Islamic ones.