Saturday, 31 January 2015

Ilham/ Intuition- a function of human mind (2)

We have seen in part (1) of this article that human intentions- i.e. good or bad- are inherently embedded in the unconscious level of human mind. Second implication is that these human intentions- i.e. good or bad- are pre-determined before humans are born in this world. But it does not mean Allah has forced these intentions i.e. good or bad upon the man; actually man has developed himself these intentions on ‘youm e alast’. What Allah does is only to move these intentions from the unconscious mind to the sub-conscious or conscious mind; Allah only makes known to the man his unknown intentions-i.e. good or bad intentions (Allah does it by generating stimuli through external factors including humans).
As we have seen in the article “Modes of Human Trial and Levels of Consciousness”   that human intentions/ideas which are inherently embedded in unconscious part of human mind have actually been developed by man, before his birth, in response to life events he has to face in his life after taking birth in this world. It means all events which act as stimuli to develop human intentions are actually shown to humans before their birth. In other words, not only human intentions/ideas but also all stimuli/ events which cause those intentions/ ideas to happen, are inherently embedded in unconscious part of human mind; not only human intentions/ideas but also human life incidents are pre-determined and are inherently embedded in the unconscious part of human mind. In other words, whole universe, and whatever happens in it, exists in human mind, and is inherently embedded in human mind and is pre-determined. But it does not mean this creation is unreal/vanity; Quran says this universe and whatever exists in it is real (sad-27). It means though this creation exists in human mind but it is brought out as well whenever Allah wills it so. When the things embedded in unconscious mind are moved by Allah from the unconscious mind to conscious mind, those things are actually brought into being in reality. In this way human intentions are made known to him. 

The implications of foregoing are far reaching.

One implication is that all human emotions are pre-determined and embedded in human mind; the stimuli which set these emotions into play are also embedded in human mind.  If a man is able to know what kind of stimulus generated in his mind makes him most happy, that man can live most happy life by generating that kind of stimulus.
As everything exists in human mind, it means all knowledge and skills a  particular man can achieve also exist in that man's mind, and can be obtained by understanding and manipulating the relevant stimuli to be generated in the mind.

As everything exists in human mind, it means man’s physical presence in this world also exists in his mind only. If anybody’s unconscious mind has possessed event of being present in other place, planet/ universe, he may extend  his conscious to that other place, planet/ universe, while maintaining his physical presence in his original place in this earth. One implication of this is that man's conscious can be present in different places, and in present, past and future time simultaneously (we find many such precedents in history of our mysticism. Aulia Allah are capable of doing it). 

There is difference between 'extending conscious'' and 'shifting physical presence'; in shifting, physical existence, man's actions become a part of environment/ place to where he is physically shifted. For instance,  our Nabi (saww) witnessed many events of Qiyamah, when he (saww) went through 'journey of Meraj'. When common men relating to those Qiyamah events would reach Qiyamah, they may see our Nabi (saww) witnessing all those events which he (saww)  witnessed during 'journey of Meraj' ('meraj' was a physical shifting and a journey to future of earthly time). During 'journey of Meraj' the stages where our Nabi (saww) registered his physical presence, common relevant men reaching those stages in future would see whatever actions were done by our Nabi (saww) at those stages. But in 'extending conscious', no physical shifting occurs; the man's actions, whose conscious is extended, do not become a part of the environment to where his conscious is extended. In case of 'extending conscious', man maintaining his physical presence in his original place may be present in the present, past and future Time simultaneously ('extending conscious' is just like  dreaming).  But in case of  'shifting presence physically', man can shift his presence into future of earthly time only; he cannot shift his physical presence into the past of the present earthly time (for details plz see my article "Time Travel").

As everything exists in human mind only, there is no difference between life and death, as far as human conscious is concerned. I mean human conscious passes through life (physical existence) and death (physical extinction) without undergoing any functional change in itself. Actually human mind is human soul's mind which passes through phases of life and death without undergoing any functional change in itself (for details plz see my article "Modes of Human Trial and Levels of Consciousness”).

As everything exists in human’s mind only, he can change his world by manipulating relevant stimuli; as everything exists in mind only, it implies  man can change  his  world but cannot conquer other humans' mind.  Allah says in Quran that “everything in this universe is conquerable by man”. It implies a human can conquer everything in this universe except a human mind.

It means there are as many worlds as there are human minds. But, of course, these multi- worlds exist in the seven skies the Quran has mentioned about.

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

'Ilham'/ Intuition- a function of human mind (1)

we have already seen in the article “Modes of Human Trial and Levels of Consciousness”  that When, on ‘youm e alast’, Allah made all human beings give witness about His Lordship, all human beings gave witness to that effect. All human beings accepted/ submitted that Allah is their Lord, but the submissions by all human beings to Allah were not at equal levels; this submission to Allah’s Lordship by more pious people was greater than that by lesser pious people.  Similarly every human being submitted to Allah’s Lordship variably in various matters/incidents which he was to face in future life. The objective behind Allah’s question was to know how much man would submit to Allah in his life matters; the reply by the man showed how much he would submit to Allah in various incidents in his life. These various levels of submission shown by individual(s) to Allah’s Lordship in various incidents of life are called human intentions/‘neyyat’. It has also been seen that these intentions/ ‘neyyat’ developed on ‘youm e alast’ are not developed by human souls; rather they are developed by human beings of blood and bones,  before they are born. 

It has also been seen that in psychological terms, these intentions are called unconscious level of human mind. These intentions or unconscious mind are not part of living memory of individual; these are part of forgotten memory. It is these intentions or unconscious mind which is made apparent to every individual during his/her life span. When these intentions become known to individual, they become individual’s wishes. This is the second level of human conscious which is called sub-conscious or preconscious. When individual acts to actualize its wishes, the third level of human mind operates, which is called conscious. Human action may be physical action (performed through body) or mental action (thinking). 

One implication of foregoing is that human intentions- i.e. good or bad- are inherently embedded in the unconscious level of human mind. Second implication is that these human intentions- i.e. good or bad- are pre-determined before humans are born in this world. But it does not mean Allah has forced these intentions i.e. good or bad upon the man; actually man has developed himself these intentions on ‘youm e alast’. What Allah does is only to move these intentions from the unconscious mind to the sub-conscious or conscious mind; Allah only makes known to the man his unknown intentions-i.e. good or bad intentions (Allah does it by generating stimuli through external factors including humans). .

We may adduce everything in this world is pre-determined but whatever man receives in this world is based on his intentions which he/she has developed on ‘youm e alast’.

From the foregoing, it may be adduced that human mind does not create good or bad intentions in this world because good or bad intentions are inherently embedded in unconscious part of human mind, and are predetermined before man is born in this world. However it does not mean human mind does not think. The process of making known to the man so far his unknown intentions is not possible without a thinking human mind. I mean it is through process of thinking that a human mind becomes aware of something unknown. It is this process of making known to the man his unknown good or bad intentions, which has been described in the following verse:
 “Then He (Allah) inspired (ilham) into him (mankind) his wrong and his right” (Sura al-shams-8).
This verse tells man’s good or bad intention/ideas are inspired into him; in other words, man becomes aware of his good or bad ideas/intentions. This process of inspiration (ilham) is the process through which human intentions/ideas embedded in his unconscious mind are moved into his conscious mind so that he may become aware of his unknown ideas/intentions.
We may conclude that ‘ilham’ /Inspiration/intuition is a function of human mind through which unknown intentions/ideas of a man are made known to him. These unknown intentions/ideas are inherently embedded in the unconscious part of human mind. It does not mean human mind does not think;the process of knowing anything is not possible without a thinking human mind. Human mind does think, though it does not create any thing, after taking birth into this world. Whatever intentions/ideas a human mind contains have been developed by him before his birth in this world, and have been made part of his unconscious mind, and such intentions/ideas are made known to him after his birth, through intuition. 

As against intuition, 'wahi' is carried out through an external agency i.e. an angel; the message carried through a 'wahi' is made known to the prophet through an angel (Gabriel).  Some 'wahi' is carried out without an angel- such wahi is confined only to a rasool. Such 'wahi' i.e. without Gabriel, is  like an intuition. Both wahi and intuition  are always correctly comprehended by the recipient; a prophet always correctly comprehends wahi and every person always correctly comprehends intuition. The difference between wahi and intuition is that intuition is common to all people whereas wahi is confined to only few people. Though common person is capable of comprehending intuition correctly,   common man is not always capable of reading/understanding his whole unconscious mind correctly; unconscious mind contains not only such ideas which constitutes intentions but also other ideas and stimuli thereof, and all knowledge, information, observations, experiences etc. It means the subject of Intuition are only such ideas which constitute human intentions but subject of wahi are all knowledge, information, experiences, observations, feelings, perceptions and all ideas. As mentioned earlier, both wahi and Intuition are correctly comprehended by the recipient. In case of wahi, the correct comprehension of what is subject of wahi is ensured by Allah directly (e.g. wahi carried without angel) or is ensured through the angel (e.g. the wahi carried through angel). ( pls also see my article "Concept of Infallibility of Prophet and Qadyaniat (5)").   In other words, 'wahi' has broadly two types. The first which is carried out by an angel (Gabriel); and the second which is carried out without an angel. The ideas made known to a prophet through both types of 'wahi' are inherently embedded in the unconscious part of the prophet's mind; that is why a prophet is always by birth a prophet. All people are granted with the capability of intuition; but only a selected few are chosen for a 'wahi'.  (continued).

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Enforcement of Islam vs Propagation of Islam and Western Muslim Minorities (4)

We have seen in previous parts of this article that order or permission for ‘qattal’ has been given ONLY to three categories of Muslims fulfilling the conditions of ‘qattal’ i.e. first, those who are ruling Muslim nations; second, those who are non-ruling Muslim nations; and third, those who are subjugated Muslim nations. No fourth category of Muslims has been ordered or permitted to wage ‘qattal’. However when any of these three categories  of Muslims are waging 'qattal', other Muslims have been directed to support such Muslims waging ‘qattal’. In the succeeding lines, we would see, through some instances, where ‘qattal’ may be waged and where it cannot be waged in the light of foregoing discussion.

Let us first take the instance of Tehrik e Talban Pakistan which have initiated ‘qattal’ against Pakistan. Let us see how far this ‘qattal’ initiated against Pakistan is legitimate. As stated above, ‘qattal’ may be done ONLY by three types of Muslims i.e. ruling Muslim nation; non-ruling Muslim nation; and subjugated Muslim nations. As for as TTP is concerned, they cannot be categorized as subjugated Muslims because subjugated Muslims are those who have been subjugated by non-Muslims; as TTP are not subjugated by any non-Muslim nation, they cannot be categorized as subjugated Muslim nation.  Similarly, TTP cannot be categorized as non-ruling Muslim nation, because non-ruling Muslim nations are those who have never been ruling nation in the area they are living in; but TTP people have been a ruling nation not only in the tribal area but also in Pakistan’s settled areas. The Pashtoon segment of TTP have been a part of ruling nation in Durrani empire, and still these TTP people are a part of ruling nation in Pakistan like non-Pashtoon segment of TTP which are resident of settled areas of Pakistan and are part of ruling nation. The non-ruling nation once becomes a part of ruling nation does not remain any longer non-ruling nation. Therefore, TTP cannot be categorized as non-ruling Muslim nation. The TTP, however can be categorized as ruling Muslim nation of Pakistan. As we have seen earlier, it is one of the conditions of ‘qattal’ for enforcement of Islam by a ruling Muslim nation that,  first, they would establish Islam over them-selves; only after establishing Islam over them-selves, they can wage ‘qattal’ for enforcing Islam over others. But TTP is unable to establish Islam over them-selves due to the reason that they are, administratively, part of the rest of Pakistani nation and cannot establish Islam over them-selves until Pakistan establishes Islam over itself. In other words, TTP has no option of waging ‘qattal’ for enforcing Islam over non-Islamic systems until Pakistan establishes Islam over itself including TTP areas. Moreover, TTP do not have support of majority of Pakistani nation, which is a condition of using force for establishing Islam over themselves. In other words, TTP cannot opt ‘qattal’ in Pakistan; they can opt only peaceful means to establish Islam over them-selves and over Pakistan. 

Looking back into disastrous past decade, we can appreciate if TTP had taken a peaceful route for establishment of Islam in Pakistan, it would have been much more result oriented positively than the present militant option followed by TTP.

As for as Kashmir is concerned, Kashmir can be categorized as subjugated Muslim nation because Kashmir has been a ruling nation in the past and has been presently subjugated by a non-Muslim Nation i.e. India. Kashmir is all the time under obligation to get freedom from India, if required through ‘qattal’, but such a freedom movement has to be aimed at enforcement of Islam.  All other Muslim nations are also under obligation to support Kashmir in their freedom movement.

Similarly Palestine can also be categorized as subjugated Muslim nation which have been a part of ruling nation in the area and presently have been subjugated by a non-Muslim nation i.e. Israel. Palestine is also all the time under obligation to win freedom from Israel, through using force if required, but such freedom movement should be aiming at enforcement of Islam. All other Muslim nations are also under obligation to support Palestine in their freedom movement. The same is the case of Afghanistan. The same is the case of all other areas/ lands which were once under rule of Muslim nations which presently have been subjugated by non-Muslim nations. But, in all such cases, the factor of capability is to be given due importance. 
As for India, the Muslims living in India are subjugated Muslim nation; these Muslims are under obligation to become ruling nation again in India, but in terms of capability, this time is not conducive to wage ‘qattal’ for regaining control of  whole India for enforcing Islam over them. All Muslims are under obligation to assist Indian Muslims in their war against India, whenever it begins.
It may be noted that present day Spain does not have subjugated Muslim nation living within it; present Muslim minority living in Spain is not that Muslim nation which has been subjugated by Spain in the past. That subjugated Muslim nation was dispersed in various countries, and can go to 'qattal' for regaining control of Spain, whenever they have the capability. The Muslim minority living in Spain presently can only be categorized as non-ruling Muslim minority.

Regarding western European Muslim minorities, we have already seen that they can be categorized as non-ruling Muslim nations. As these minorities have no capability to wage 'qattal' against the western societies they are living in, they should adopt the route of propagation of Islam instead of waging 'qattal' for any of three purposes already discussed i.e. self-defense; removing injustice and suppression; and establishment of Islam over them-selves. It may pls be appreciated that establishment of Islam over them-selves is different from enforcement/establishment of Islam over non-Islamic systems/religions. Non-ruling Muslim nations can establish Islam over them-selves provided  condition of capability is fulfilled; non-ruling Muslim nation cannot wage 'qattal' for enforcement of Islam over the whole non-Muslim nation/ society they are living in (provided the Muslim minority is so preponderant that it covers whole land mass of non-Muslim society they are living in) . However, of course, ruling Muslim nations and subjugated Muslim nations can enforce Islam over all non-Islamic systems/nations. Because western European Muslim minorities lack in capability to establish Islam over them-selves, they can only adopt the way of propagation of Islam; that is the way in which force is prohibited to be used. Western European Muslim minorities can use only peaceful means to live in the societies they are living in (concluded).