Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Concept of 'Abadan' in Quran


It is usually considered that life after death is eternal/ forever. Let us analyze this concept in the light of Quran.

Eternity is Allah’s Quality which is not shared by anything else, by any creation.  This quality of ‘eternity’ may not be assigned to the Paradise and the Hell. The following Quranic verses make it clear that the Paradise and the Hell are not eternal entities.

“[They will be] abiding therein as long as the skies and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will. Indeed, your Lord is an effecter of what He intends” (hud-107).
“And as for those who were [destined to be] prosperous, they will be in Paradise, abiding therein as long as the skies and the earth endure, except what your Lord should will - a bestowal uninterrupted (hud-108).
 Both above stated verses explain that the people consigned to the Paradise or to the Hell will be abiding therein as long as the skies and the earth exist but, if Allah wills it so, He may end Paradise life even before end of the skies and the earth. In other words, the Paradise is not eternal entity.
The word 'abadan' repeatedly used in Quran regarding the Paradise and the Hellish life does not mean 'eternal'. Actually the word ‘abadan’ is used in Quran to describe uninterrupted state/situation; this word, in Quranic terminology, carries with it a sense of continuity, without interruption. In other words when this word ‘abadan’ is used to describe Paradise life or Hellish life, it means as long as man will remain in the Paradise or in the Hell, that state of being in the Paradise or in the Hell will be continuous, not interrupted by any pain or pleasure respectively. This word ‘abadan’ does not mean ‘eternally’; this fact is also evident from the following verse.
"And do not pray –ever/ ‘abadan’- [the funeral prayer, Muhamma(saw)] over any of them who has died or stand at his grave. Indeed, they disbelieved in Allah and His Messenger and died while they were defiantly disobedient" (taubah-84).
 If we take the word 'abadan' as meaning  'eternally', it would mean our Nabi (saw) is being forbidden from standing at grave of disbelievers even in life after death. But there is no point in forbidding our Nabi (saww) from standing at the grave of disbelievers in the life after death; because there is no death and no grave in the Hell or Paradise after death.  Actually 'abadan' means 'ever/continuously'; in other words, our Nabi (saw) is being forbidden to pray for and stand at the graves of disbelievers, and the word ‘abadan’ emphasizes that our Nabi (saw) should avoid such a  practice continuously/ uninterruptedly.
We may conclude that the Paradise and the Hell are not eternal entities; eternity is a quality to be assigned only to Allah; no creation can be assigned this quality. The Paradise and the Hell will be discontinued, when the skies and the earth will be destroyed to be reproduced (for details plz see my article ‘Origin of Universe and Dark Matter’.


Friday, 22 February 2013

Origin of the Universe and Dark Matter

According to Big Bang Theory, this universe has come into existence when ‘singularity’- i.e. finite matter smashed into infinite density, infinite pressure, infinite temperature and infinitely small size- started expanding to cool down and solidify gradually into form of universe as we find it today.  Some scientists suggest there was no time and space before this Big Bang; but they are unable to explain where the ‘singularity’ existed, if no space existed before Big Bang. In this article we would shed light on Islamic version about origin of universe, the way universe is created.
From the outset, it needs to be clarified that Allah has not created this universe only once; it is Allah’s Sunnah to create universe, to destroy it, and again create it in the manner it was created first time.
There are many verses in Quran, which state that Allah originates His creation and then repeats it; the instances are yunus-34; al-naml-64; al-ankbut-19. But sura al-anbiya specifically states this practice of Allah about this universe. It sates:
On the day when We will roll up sky like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first time, We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about” (al-anbiya-104).
From this above quoted verse, it is clear that one day our sky will be destroyed being rolled up like a scroll. After that it will be again created exactly in the manner it was created for the first time. Regarding the previous creation of this sky Quran states:
“It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He directed Himself to the sky and made them seven skies, and He is Knowing of all things” (al-baqra-29).
From this verse, it is clear that seven skies were created out of one sky. Because as per al-anbiya-104, our sky is to be created exactly in the manner it was created the first time, it means not only our sky will be re- created by Allah but also all seven skies will be re-created.This verse (al-baqra-29) also shows that our earth lies in the first sky.  Allah first created all that is on the earth and then He directed Himself to the sky of the earth and made them seven skies. Because sky is something which lies above the earth and all seven skies were made out of the sky which was above our earth, it means our earth lies in the first sky. This verse also proves that seven skies do not mean seven parts of one sky (some people say seven skies mean seven space layers in our single sky). By the word 'them', it is clear the seven skies are separate entities. If instead of 'them', singular word 'it' had been used, we might infer that seven skies lie in single sky. In other words, this verse shows that seven skies are separate entities; they are not parts of our single sky.

From the verses mentioned above ( yunus-34; al-naml-64; al-ankbut-19), it is evident that it is Allah’s practice to create, to destroy and recreate universe. These verses state:
“……who originates creation and then repeats it?" Say, "Allah originates creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?" (yunus-34).
“Is He [not best] who originates creation and then repeats it…?” (al-naml-64).
“Have they not considered how Allah originates creation and then repeats it? Indeed that, for Allah , is easy” (al-ankbut-19).
We cannot say how old is this practice of Allah to create, destroy and then again create this universe. Though origin of Allah’s Entity cannot be found in any point of time  but origin of creations can be found in any point of time. In fact time and space are continuing since their inception.  Because from the above stated verses it is evident it is Allah’s practice to create and recreate this universe, and because longevity of time cannot be determined, we may infer universe has been created by countless times in the past before Big Bang. Because existence of time and space is essential for creating universe, it may mean space and time were already present when this universe we are living in was created as a result of BIG BANG. Big Bang Theory also affirms the presence of matter in the form of ‘singularity’ before the Big Bang took place. The presence of matter before Big Bang -in whatever form it may be- proves existence of space and time before Big Bang. In other words, the Big Bang created/expanded matter but it did not create space and time; space and time prevailing in this universe were already present before the Big Bang which created matter which was gradually transformed into present day universe we are living in. Similarly time and space were always present already before every time Big Bang took place in the past to create the universe; as universe has been created by countless times in the past, every time space and time were already present before every time Big Bang took place to create the universe.  
One may argue that it might be that every time universe is destroyed, time and space is also destroyed; time and space are created afresh at every Big Bang. Such an argument is not tenable on the basis of Quran. According to Quran time and space are continuing since undetermined time in the past. 
Quran states:
On the day, i. when We will roll up sky like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, ii. as We originated the first time, iii. We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about” (al-anbiya-104).
     If we take the words ‘on the day’ as applying only to the first phrase, the meaning remains incomplete and does not make any sense. Actually, in this verse the words ‘on the day’  apply to all three phrases ending up into the words ‘We shall reproduce it’. It means the day the sky will be rolled up, it will be reproduced the same day.  We know that the concept of ‘day’ is associated with time. Therefore, we may infer that ‘time’ existing before the destruction of the sky continues to exist after the destruction of the sky and reproduction of the sky. In other words, time and space are continuously present before destruction of the sky and after/before reproduction of the sky. As sky will be/is reproduced in the manner it was first time produced, it means time and space were present when sky was produced first time, and time and space are always present before reproduction of sky each time through Big Bang. In other words, time and space are continuing since their inception; time and space are not destroyed with the destruction of the sky.

According to Big Bang Theory at one stage, whole matter of the universe was present in the form of ‘singularity’ with infinitely small size, infinite temperature, infinite pressure and infinite density. Then a Big Bang occurred which resulted in sudden expansion of matter/energy in the space; this energy gradually transformed into the universe as we see it today. According to one version of the Theory, time and space were created at the time of Big Bang; but this view is not endorsed by Quranic version as has been detailed above.  According to Quranic version, time and space are always present before occurring of a Big Bang.  

Al-anbiyaa-104 also hints at the way the universe is destroyed. The verse states:
On the day when We will roll up sky like the rolling up of the scroll for writings, as We originated the first time, We shall reproduce it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will bring it about” (al-anbiya-104).
        Combining Big Bang Theory and the way of destruction of the universe described in this above stated verse, we may understand the phenomenon of making and un-making of the universe. This phenomenon explains that at one point of time, whole matter of the universe exists as a ‘singularity’ with infinitely small size, infinitely temperature, infinitely density and pressure. Then suddenly this matter is erupted into the space. Such eruption is quite in line with physical laws; it is just like eruption of a Pressure Cooker when high pressure is created inside it. With this great eruption which is commonly called Big Bang, matter/energy starts expanding with pressure into the space which is already present there. Gradually this matter/energy is solidified and transformed into the universe as it exists today. The universe consisting stars/planets is still expanding with pressure into the space, as has been mentioned in al-dhariat-47 which states “And the sky We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander”. When this universe expands into the space, it pushes the space around it; the more space is being pushed, the greater it is being condensed. That is why space is most condensed on the first sky. Because the first sky is at the bottom of all seven skies, it is most depressed space of all seven skies. That is why events are becoming faster on 1st sky as we move from first sky to upper skies (for details plz see my article "Time Travel). When the pressure with which the universe is expanding will become lesser than the pressure exerted by the space on peripheral universe, the universe will be started to be rolled up by the space like rolling up a scroll -as has been mentioned in al-anbiyaa-104. The concept of rolling up the universe like  a scroll may be better understood by looking into the model of the universe described in my article "Model of Universe -a Quranic perspective"; this model looks like an open book whose each page is one of the seven skies. The more the universe will be rolled back, the greater pressure will be built inside the universe and finally whole matter of the universe will be smashed into ‘singularity’ with infinite pressure, temperature, density and infinitely small size. When the pressure inside this singularity will become greater than the pressure being exerted by the space on this singularity, this singularity will again erupt into the space in the form of Big Bang to make the universe afresh. This process of making and un-making the universe is continuing since existence of time and space, and will continue till time and space exist.

From the above discussion, we may also infer that space is not an empty entity; it can exert pressure on the universe/celestial bodies. It means, space also contains matter. In other words, matter has two types- one contained in the celestial bodies/universe (which was/is created out of Big Bang) and the other contained in the space (which is present in space since before Big Bang). We have already seen in my many previous articles particularly in the article “Reality of Creation-existence in pairs”, that everything exists in pair. Matter also exists in pair. The matter contained in the universe/celestial bodies is paired with matter contained in the space. The difference is that the matter contained in the celestial bodies/universe may be called ‘Luminous Matter’, because it is visible; and the matter contained in the space may be called ‘Dark Matter’, because it is invisible. Quran states about these two kinds of matter as follows:
“[All] praise is [due] to Allah , who created the skies and the earth and made the darkness(es) and the light…” (al-anam-1).

In this verse, it is stated that Allah has created ‘darkness’ and ‘the light’. We know that light is a form of matter; this form of matter was released during Big Bang; all the rest of matter may be called ‘Dark Matter’ which is spread everywhere in the space since before Big Bang. It is this ‘Dark Matter’ which determines the location of celestial bodies/universe by exerting pressure on them; it is this ‘Dark Matter’ which holds together the celestial bodies/universe in the space by exerting pressure on them; it is this Dark Matter’s pressure on the celestial bodies, which, along with curved space, provides for the gravitational pull exerted by the celestial bodies. We have already seen in my article “Law of Gravity and Quran” that gravitational force is something coming from outside, not coming from inside of the celestial bodies. It may be this "Dark Matter" which is responsible for holding together an atom/constituents of an atom.

We may conclude that time and space existed before the Big Bang. The universe has been destroyed by countless times in the past  to be recreated every time through a Big Bang. The process of making and un-making of the universe is continuing since existence of time and space; time and space are continuing to exist since their inception. Like everything else matter also exists in pair. The matter contained in celestial bodies/universe (created out of Big Bang) may be called ‘luminous matter’ and is paired with matter contained in the space (the matter present in space since before Big Bang) which may be called ‘dark matter’. This ‘dark matter’ holds this universe/celestial bodies together, and provides, along with curved space, for gravitational force exercised by the celestial bodies.It may be this "Dark Matter" which is responsible for holding together an atom/constituents of an atom.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Model of Universe- a Quranic perspective

Many Quranic verses mention about features and model of this universe. In this article, we would try to find out what universal model transpires out of Quranic verses.
Quran says:
“It is Allah who has created seven heavens/skies and of the earth, the like of them…” (al-talaq-12).
“[And] who created seven heavens/skies in layers/one above the other..” (al-mulk-3).
“And We have created above you seven layered/one above the other heavens/skies, and never have We been of [Our] creation unaware” (al-muminun-17).
From above mentioned verses, it is clear that Allah has created seven skies which are placed one above the other. Every sky has its own earth because the term ‘sky’ can only be used with reference to term  ‘earth’; if there is a earth, there is a sky; no earth, no sky. It means we have not only seven skies but also seven earths. These seven skies are placed one above the other as is mentioned in above quoted verses; but what about the earths? According to one of the sayings of our beloved Nabi (saw), if a rope is dropped down the earth, it will ultimately reach the seventh earth. It means not only seven skies but also seven earths are placed one above the other. Now we come to the question what is the shape of these seven skies and earths placed one over the other. Regarding the shape of these seven skies, Quran says:
“Indeed, I have turned my face toward He who created the heavens and the earth straight, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah" (al-anam-79).

This above verse states that skies and the earth are straight. We know when we say anything is straight, we say so with reference to a certain point. If skies are straight, they are so with reference to certain points. The verse says skies and the earth are straight; from this it may be inferred that skies are straight with reference to respective earths. In other words, every sky is straight with reference to its earth.
 We know all skies are made up of atoms. Quran says:
“.….And not absent from your Lord is any [part] of an atom's weight within the earth or within the heaven/skies or [anything] smaller than that or greater but that it is (contained) in a bright/open Book” (yunus-61).

It may be noted this verse does not state that ‘it is written in the book’; it only states that ‘it is in a bright/open book’. It means this verse is not about inscribed book rather it is about description of this universe which contains all the atoms; this universe is bright because it is made up of atoms which are made up of energy. Another meaning of ‘kitab e mubeen’ is open book; this universe is in the shape of an open book which is bright as well.
From above discussion, the following Open Book Model of Universe may be inferred.

This model exactly looks like an open book. This Open Book Model of                     Universe depicts all the features of Model of Universe mentioned in Quran. There are seven skies placed one above the other. Each sky is curved in its middle towards its earth (Einstein also believes in curved sky) ; in this way each sky makes two wings- left and right wings. At the bottom of each sky (meeting point of two wings) lies its earth; all seven earths are exactly one above the other. Each wing of each sky is straight in respect of its earth. Two wings of each sky also explains why Quran has mentioned about two Easts and two Wests;  each east and west belongs to each wing of the sky.
 Quran says this whole universe is conquerable by mankind.
“And He has subjected to you whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth - all from Him. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought” (al-jathiyah-13).
If this universe is conquerable by mankind, individuals should be able to travel across this universe within their life span (i.e. about 100 years). We know that this universe is too vast to be travelled by a man within his life span; in fact an individual requires billions of years to travel through this universe. We may infer that Allah has made special arrangements for mankind to travel through this universe.
Quran states about gates in the skies to travel through them.
And [even] if We opened to them a gate from the heaven/sky and they continued therein to ascend” (al-hijr-14).
“Indeed, those who deny Our verses and are arrogant toward them - the gates of Heaven/sky will not be opened for them…” (al-araf-40).
From these two above quoted verses, it is clear that Allah has made special gates in the skies to travel through them. However people who deny Allah’s verses are not able to make use of these gates. In other words, the people are able to make use of these gates only by believing in and getting guidance from Allah’s verses; those who do not believe in and get guidance from Allah’s verses-whether Muslims or non-Muslims- are unable to make use of these sky gates.  Quran further states about the ways to ascend, through which angels ascend to Allah.
“[It is] from Allah , owner of the ways of ascent. The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him during a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years” (al-marij-3,4).
                   From all these verses, it may be inferred that Allah has made sky gates and ways in the skies; such gates and ways are the fastest and shortest way to travel through the skies. By making use of these gates and ways, people may travel across the universe within their life span.
Basing on the Open Book Model of Universe, it may be inferred that in our earth there is a gate and way leading to other skies/earths. Because spaces of all skies are curved towards our earth, such gate and way in our earth is the shortest way to get into other skies/ earths. Such gate/way in our earth is not only shortest/fastest way leading to other skies/earths but also leads to fastest way to travel through our first sky. Such fastest way to travel through our first sky is called ‘burj’; earth of every sky has a way(s)/gate(s) leading to 'burj' through which that sky may be traversed.

"And We have created above you seven paths, and We are never unmindful of creation (al-muminoun-17).
And We have made within the heaven/sky ‘brooj’ and have beautified it for the observers” (al-hijr-16).
“Blessed is He who has placed in the sky ‘brooj’ and placed therein a [burning] lamp and luminous moon” (al-furqan-61).
Taking clue from event of ‘meraj’, we may infer that one gate/way in our earth, leading to other skies, lies somewhere over and above Palestine from where our Nabi (saw) started his journey to other skies.
NOTE: This article was written originally and published much earlier than its present date of publication. But mistakenly that originally written and published article was deleted; that why that article has been re-written and published on the present date. Therefore plz don't get confused, if some articles placed before this article have mention about this article.