Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Time and Space- existence in pairs(1)

Time and space are described as a twin/ interdependent phenomenon; there is no time without space and no space without time. Without ascertaining the validity of this scientific and philosophical concept of time and space, we would see how this concept is seen in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Allah has created everything in pairs. This reality has been described in Quran which states: “And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember” (al-dhariat-49).And He Who created pairs (azwaj) of all things, and made for you of the ships and the cattle what you ride on” (al-zhkhruf-12).
From these verses, it is evident that Allah has created everything in pairs.
It means plants, animals, human beings, waters, all natural forces, all natural laws, ideas, practices, emotions - all exist in pairs. This reality has been discovered in respect of some creations like plants, waters, and some natural forces, but it is yet to be discovered in respect of other creations.

In the succeeding lines, we will see  time and space also exist in pairs, without going into discussion whether time and space are created things or not. In other words, there are two types of time as there are two types of space.

Sura al-maarij states that “Lord of the Ascending Stairways. The angels and the Spirit will ascend to Him in a Day the extent of which is fifty thousand years” (al-ma,arij-3,4). These stairways or gates are used by Hazrat Gabrael (as) and other angels to reach to such divine proximity from where they receive commandments from Allah, and such ascendance of angels from earth to seventh sky happens within a DAY (twenty four hours) which is actually equal to fifty thousand years on earth. It means events happen quicker on 1st sky as we move from 1st sky to upper skies; the events occurring in fifty thousand years on earth take one day/24 hours to occur on upper skies. In other words, one second spent in the seventh sky would be equal to 211.22 days spent on earth; it means the events which happen in one second in seventh sky would happen in 211.22 days on earth. That is why Allah states: “Indeed, they see it [as] distant, But We see it [as] near”(al-ma,arij-6,7). It also explains why 'meraj' was possible only within a part of night; the events witnessed by Hazrat Muhammad (saw) during the ‘meraj travel’, would take thousands of years to take place according to earth time.

As we mentioned above, time and space are considered as a twin and interdependent phenomenon. Time is defined as a distance between two points in space. Simply speaking, if a person moves from point A to point B, the space travelled/ covered between points A and B is called Time to reach from A to B. in other words, if space between A and B is expanded, the time to reach from A to B will be expanded; and if the space between A and B is contracted/condensed, time to reach from A to B will be shortened. It means same event (in this case moving from A to B) will require more (expanded) time to happen, if space is expanded; as that event will require lesser time to happen, if space is condensed/ contracted. 

According to Sura ma,arij-3-4 and 6-7, events happen quicker on 1st sky as we move from 1st sky to upper skies; it means space starts contracting/ condensing as we move from seventh sky to 1st sky. In other words, space starts expanding as we move from 1st sky to upper skies. It means both time and space become comparatively more contracted on earth as compared to upper skies, as we move from 1st sky to upper skies. It is just like making of waves when a pebble is dropped into pond of water; the waves nearer to the point of dropping of pebble are more contracted and start expanded more as they move away from the dropping point. The waves closer to the dropping point are seen comparatively more contracted as compared to outer waves as they move away from the dropping point.

In other words, we can say both Space and Time exist in pairs. One type of Time exists in expanded form which is paired with type of Time which exists in condensed/contracted form; similarly one type of space exists in expanded form which is paired with type of space which exists in contracted form.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Reality of Human Soul

It is commonly believed that Allah made Hazrat Adam’s body and then  blew His Ruh/Soul in him; in other words, what is human soul is Allah’s ‘Ruh’.  This concept serves as a corner stone on which whole edifice of ideology of ‘wahdatul wajood’ has been erected.  In the succeeding lines we would analyze this concept in the light of Quran and Sunnah. First we would see what concept of human soul is reflected out of Quran and then we will analyze concept of human soul as transpired out of ‘ahadith’.
Allah has created everything in pairs. This reality has been described in Quran which states:And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember” (al-dhariat-49). And He Who created pairs (azwaj) of all things, …………….” (al-zhkhruf-12).
From these verses, it is evident that Allah has created everything in pairs. (for details plz see my article “ Reality of Creation- existence in pairs”).

Human being exists in the form of a pair of body and soul. Quran states: “He created you from one soul. Then He appointed from it(soul) its mate/pair (al-zumar-6).

From this verse it is clear that human body is created from its soul, and then that body is appointed mate/pair of that soul. (it may be noted that man does have sexual pair but that is mentioned in other verses, not in this verse). In this verse, Allah is addressing whole mankind, and saying that every person of this mankind has been created out of a single ‘nafs/soul’; that single ‘nafs’ must not be taken as Hazrat Adam. The sequence of verse is that first Allah created us out of single ‘nafs’, and then made a pair/mate of that single ‘nafs’; if that single ‘nafs’ is Hazrat Adam, it would mean that first Allah created us out of Hazrat Adam and then made a pair/mate of him. It would means we have been created out of Hazrat Adam before his having a wife/mate. Therefore logically we can’t take the words ‘single nafs’ as referring to Hazrat Adam. Moreover,  the addressee of this verse is whole mankind including Hazrat Adam; in other words, Allah is telling, in this verse, about the creation of whole mankind including Hazrat Adam, and Allah is saying everyone of mankind has been created out of a single ‘nafs’; that single ‘nafs’ is human soul. In this verse word ‘nafs’ has been used with meaning of ‘human soul’. In Quran, at other places too, this word ‘nafs’ has been used in the meaning of ‘human soul’. For instance sura al-naziat-40 states:  “But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul (nafs) from [unlawful] inclination” (al-naziat-40).
Similarly sura qaf states: “And every soul (nafs) will come, with it a driver and a witness” (qaf-21).  In this verse too, word ‘nafs’ means soul; the driver is human body through which soul acts obediently or disobediently, and in this way human body carries human soul to its destination/ station- good or bad station.
Similarly al-anam states: “And it is He who produced you from one soul (nafs) and [gave you] a place of dwelling and repository. We have detailed the signs for a people who understand” (al-anam-98).

The place of dwelling for soul, mentioned in this verse, is human body; and repository will be the final station of soul; in other words, soul rests in human body for doing deeds, and those deeds determine soul’s final destination.
From all these verses quoted above, it is clear that human being is created out of a single nafs; that ‘single nafs’ can’t be taken as Hazrat Adam; that ‘single nafs’ is human soul. (it does not mean that human beings have not been created out of Hazrat Adam; surely they have been, but that fact is mentioned in other Quranic verses, not in these verses quoted above).

In fact, every human body is created out of its soul and then is appointed mate/ pair of such soul. We  can find example of this phenomenon in rays striking against screen and making picture on the screen; that picture is actually within the rays already. Just like picture on the screen, human body is created out of rays of human soul. Every human body is a true reflection of its soul; human body contains all the characteristics which are embedded in dormant form in its soul. The greater a human body actualizes these characteristics, the more it functions like a soul. Depending upon the level of actualization, a human body can be weightless like a soul; it can fly in the air like a soul (as our Aulia Allah do); it can travel with immeasurable speed like a soul; it can see beyond the limits of ordinary human sight as a soul can do; it can be so refined like soul that no shadow of it can be formed (Hazrat Muhammad’s (saw) body had no shadow).  Human body always acts according to dictation of its soul; if the soul gives good direction, the human body acts in good way; if the soul gives bad direction, the human body acts accordingly.  That is why when a human body expires, its soul is rewarded or punished according to human body’s actions. It is a misconception that soul always leads towards Allah; if it were so, why it should be punished for bad deeds of human body?
After death, but before Judgment Day, human soul is rewarded for certain  good deeds or punished for some of his bad deeds done by it through the human body; this intervening time period includes reward or punishment of grave. When the Judgment Day would come, human body will be resurrected and its soul will be combined to it as it is combined in this worldly life. This fact is described in sura al-takveer-7 which states about Judgment Day:  “And when the souls are paired”. In this verse too, word ‘nafoos’ means souls; this verse tells us about the union of souls with their respective bodies.

From the above discussion it is evident that human soul is a true reflection of human body; human being exists as a pair of human body and its soul. Everything done by human body is done on dictation of its soul; that is why human soul is rewarded or punished for the good or bad deeds done by the human body. In other words, the soul contained by a human body belongs to that human body; it is not Allah’s Soul.

The concept that soul contained by human body is Allah’s Soul is mainly based on sura hijr-29 which states:
"So, when I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul created (or owned) by me, then fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him." The same statement has been repeated in sura sad-72. In these verses, the word ‘ruhi’ is wrongly interpreted as Allah’s Soul/Spirit; in fact this word ‘ruhi’ means the soul which was created and owned by Allah. This fact is further proven by sura al-sajda-9 which states: “ Then He fashioned him (Adam) in due proportion, and breathed into him his soul and He gave you hearing (ears), sight (eyes) and hearts. Little is the thanks you give”.  From these verses, it becomes evident that the soul blown into Adam (as) and blown into every human being is not Allah’s Soul, rather it is the soul created/owned by Allah for the concerned human body; in other words, the soul blown into human body is not Allah's Soul rather it is soul of that concerned human body. Every human being exists as a pair of human body and its soul. Human body is a true reflection of its soul; it contains potentially all the qualities contained by its soul. 

According to various ‘ahadith’, clusters of souls have been created much before the birth of human beings and live in the world called ‘world of arwah’; the souls who are acquainted to one another before coming into this world also get acquainted to one another after coming into this world; in other words the human beings acquainted to one another in this world have such acquaintance  because they were acquainted before coming into this world. From this hadith, it is clear that qualities shown by a soul are also shown by his paired human body; that is why human bodies recognize each other in this world and get acquainted accordingly on the basis of acquaintance obtained before coming in this world. In other words, human body is a true reflection of its soul, and contains potentially all the qualities contained by its soul.

We can conclude that every human body has a soul of which he is a pair, and it is this soul which is blown into that human body; human soul is not Allah’s Soul.  Allah is creator and everything else is created. This fact further weakens “Theory of wahdatul wajood”.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Social Laws-existence in pairs

Allah has created everything in pairs; it means everything created by Allah and contained in this universe exists in pairs. In other words all natural systems also exit in pairs. Allah has made everything in this universe subjected to mankind; it means all natural laws-both physical and social laws- are subjected to mankind and are open to be controlled by mankind. Not only the natural systems but also the principles/laws to control these natural systems exist in pair.

 Natural laws include social laws as well. It is commonly believed that natural laws are only physical laws e.g. mechanical, chemical, biological laws. These laws are termed as natural laws because human intervention is not involved in developing these laws. As against natural laws, social laws (socio-politico-economic laws) are described as man-made laws. But actually, in view of Quran, these social laws are also natural laws. Quran has given certain social laws. Allah has devised such social laws for mankind which have been given only an option to adopt or not to adopt such social laws; all the rest is with Allah. If mankind adopts such social laws as enshrined in Quran, Allah generates positive social consequences; otherwise negative social consequences are unleashed by Allah. In both forms-positive and negative forms- social laws are Allah's laws and as such are natural laws. The man-made social laws are in fact negative consequences/ implications generated by Allah as a result of  avoiding/neglecting Quranic/ natural social laws. In other words, all social laws are as much natural laws as physical laws are: because these social laws are either recommended by Allah or are negative consequences generated under Allah’s social laws. It means mankind can avoid Allah’s recommendations as to social laws by their choice but they can’t escape the rule of social laws enforced by Allah. (for details plz see my article ‘Quranic Knowledge and its Comprehensiveness’ on this blog). Therefore we can say social laws are also natural laws. Social laws also exist in pairs like physical natural laws. Every social law exists in positive as well as negative form; if social laws/system is in consonance with what is enshrined in revealed knowledge i.e. Quran and Sunnah, such social system exists in its positive form; otherwise, it exists in its negative form. In other words, regarding every social system, its positive form is paired with its negative form.

Like natural laws/systems exist in pairs, the laws/ principles to  conquer  these  natural laws/systems also exist in pair. In other words, to enable mankind to conquer/ control natural laws/ systems, Allah has devised a pair of laws; this pair of laws consists of Law of Effort and Law of Faith. In other words, natural laws-both physical and social- can be discovered and controlled by mankind through Law of Effort and Law of Faith. Through Law of Faith, a natural law/system is brought under control due to sheer devotion and faith in Allah; no intellectual effort is involved, in this case, to discover, understand and control natural system. Through Law of Effort, natural law/system is discovered, understood and controlled through intellectual efforts. Natural laws can be controlled by mankind by Law of Faith or Law of Effort or Laws of Effort and Faith combined.  Law of Faith can help only such people which have faith; but Law of Effort can help those people also which do not have faith.  For instance, fire did not burn Hazrat Ibrahim (as); it was due to operation of second law of fire which exists as a pair with the law of fire under which fire always burns; it was Hazrat Ibrahim’s (as) faith which got that second law of fire operated; no one lacking in that faith can get that second law of fire operated. Similarly so many miracles associated with prophets and ‘aulia Allah’ could be performed by only such prophets and ‘aulia’ which were people having faith.  On the other hand, if a natural law is controlled by Law of Effort, the people not having faith can also control such natural law. For instance, Law of Flying has been got controlled by Law of Effort; everyone including having faith or not having faith can make a use of this law of flying.

Another principle to control natural laws is that physical natural laws   can be controlled through Law of Faith alone ( physical natural laws can also be controlled by Laws of Faith and Effort combined); we see all miracles associated with prophets and 'Aulia Allah' pertain to physical natural laws only, which were controlled by sheer devotion and faith. But Social natural laws  cannot be controlled through Law of Faith alone; no person can change/control social laws through his faith only. In other words, social laws are to be set up and operated through Law of Effort or though Laws of Faith and Effort combined. According to Quran, "Allah does not change conditions of any nation until that nation wills it so".

Principles of Conquest of Natural Systems

Allah has created everything in pairs; it means everything created by Allah and contained in this universe exists in pairs. In other words all natural systems also exit in pairs. Allah has made everything in this universe subjected to mankind; it means all natural laws-both physical and social laws- are subjected to mankind and are open to be controlled by mankind. Not only the natural sytems but also the principles/laws to control these natural systems  exist in pair.
Allah has created everything in pairs. This reality has been described in Quran which states: “And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember” (al-dhariat-49).And He Who created pairs (azwaj) of all things, and made for you of the ships and the cattle what you ride on” (al-zhkhruf-12).
From these verses, it is evident that Allah has created everything in pairs.
Quran states about pairs of natural forces, rivers, fruits, and day and night (for details my article ‘ Reality of creation-existence in pairs’ on this blogspot may be seen).

It means plants, animals, human beings, waters, all natural forces, all natural laws - all exist in pairs. This reality has been discovered in respect of some creations like plants, waters, and some natural forces, but it is yet to be discovered in respect of other creations.

It may be noted that natural laws include social laws as well. It is commonly believed that natural laws are only physical laws e.g. mechanical, chemical, biological laws. These laws are termed as natural laws because human intervention is not involved in developing these laws. As against natural laws, social laws (socio-politico-economic and psychological laws) are described as man-made laws. But actually, in view of Quran, these social laws are also natural laws. Quran has given certain social laws. Allah has devised such social laws for mankind which have been given only an option to adopt or not adopt such social laws; all the rest is with Allah. If mankind adopts such social laws as enshrined in Quran, Allah generates positive consequences; otherwise negative consequences are unleashed. The man-made social laws are in fact negative consequences/ implications generated from avoidance/neglect of Quranic/ natural social laws; these negative implications provide foundations to man-made laws. In other words, all social laws are as much natural laws as physical laws are: because these social laws are either recommended by Allah or are negative consequences generated under Allah’s social laws. It means mankind can avoid Allah’s recommendations as to social laws by their choice but they can’t escape the rule of social laws enforced by Allah. (for details plz see my article ‘Quranic Knowledge and its Comprehensiveness’ on this blog). Therefore we can say social laws are also natural laws. In other words, social laws also exist in pairs like physical natural laws. Every social law exists in positive as well as negative form; if social laws/system is in consonance with what is enshrined in revealed knowledge i.e. Quran and Sunnah, such social system exists in its positive form; otherwise, it exists in its negative form. In other words, regarding every social system, its positive form is paired with its negative form.

Allah has made whole creation conquerable for mankind; Allah says:
“And He has subjected to you whatever is in the skies and whatever is on the earth - all from Him. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought”(al-jathiyah-13).
“Do you not see that Allah has made subject to you whatever is in the skies and whatever is in the earth…”(luqman-20).
From these verses it is clear that whatever is contained in the skies and the earth is subjected to mankind; it means all natural laws operating in this universe are also subjected to mankind and are open  to be conquered/controlled by mankind. (for details my article ‘Process of creation and conquest of nature’  may be seen on this blogspot).

Like natural laws/systems exist in pairs, the laws/ principles to  conquer  these  natural laws/systems also exist in pair. In other words, to enable mankind to conquer/ control natural laws/ systems, Allah has devised a pair of laws; this pair of laws consists of effort and faith. In other words, natural laws-both physical and social- can be discovered and controlled by mankind through Law of Effort and Law of Faith. Through Law of Faith, a natural law/system is brought under control due to sheer devotion and faith in Allah; no intellectual effort is involved to discover, understand and control natural system. Through Law of Effort, natural law/system is discovered, understood and controlled through intellectual efforts. Natural laws can be controlled by mankind by Law of Faith or Law of Effort or Laws of Effort and Faith combined.  Law of Faith can help in controlling natural laws only to such people which have faith; but Law of Effort can help in controlling natural laws to those people also which do not have faith.  For instance, fire did not burn Hazrat Ibrahim (as); it was due to operation of second law of fire which exists as a pair with the law of fire under which fire always burns; it was Hazrat Ibrahim’s (as) faith which got that second law of fire operated; no one lacking in that faith can get that second law of fire operated. Similarly so many miracles associated with prophets and ‘aulia Allah’ could be performed by only such prophets and ‘aulia’ which were people having faith.  On the other hand, if a natural law is controlled by Law of Effort, the people not having faith can also control such natural law. For instance, Law of Flying has been got controlled by Law of Effort; everyone including having faith or not having faith can make a use of this law of flying.
Another principle to control natural laws is that  physical natural laws   can be controlled through Law of Faith alone ( physical natural laws can  can also be controlled by Law of Faith and Law of Effort combined); we see all miracles associated with Prophets and 'Aulia Allah' pertain to only physical natural laws, and controlled through sheer faith developed by Prophets or wali-Allah concerned. But Social natural laws  cannot be controlled through Law of Faith alone; no person can control social laws through faith only. In other words, social laws are to be set up and operated through Law of Effort or though Law of Faith and Law of  Effort combined. According to Quran, "Allah does not change conditions of any nation until that nation wills it so".

Friday, 4 November 2011

Reality of Creation-existence in pairs

Allah has created everything in pairs. This reality has been described in Quran which states: “And of all things We created two mates; perhaps you will remember” (al-dhariat-49).And He Who created pairs (azwaj) of all things, and made for you of the ships and the cattle what you ride on” (al-zhkhruf-12).
From these verses, it is evident that Allah has created everything in pairs.
It means plants, animals, human beings, waters, all natural forces, all natural laws, all ideas and practices, all emotions,  - all exist in pairs. This reality has been discovered in respect of some creations like plants, waters, and some natural forces, but it is yet to be discovered in respect of other creations.
Quran states about pairs of earth forces, rivers, fruits, and day and night, as is mentioned in the verse given below.
“And it is He who spread the earth and placed therein set of burdens (rawasi) and rivers; and from all of the fruits He made therein two mates; He causes the night to cover the day. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought” (rad-3).
The word ‘rawasi’ used in this verse is a plural form and may be used to denote a set of two burdens; these burdens placed in earth are actually pairs of forces acting in the earth. One such pair is force of gravity and the force of repulsion - one acting towards the earth, and the other acting away from the earth. Similarly we know existence of pair of centripetal and centrifugal forces; nuclear forces- responsible for uniting an atom and breaking it- also exist in pair. Forces causing action and reaction also exist in pair. According to this verse, waters also exist in pair; we know existence of salty water and sweet water. All fruits also exist in pairs; this fact is yet to be discovered. And day is paired with night and vice-versa.
Quran also states about pairs in vegetation/ plants, as is mentioned in the following verse.
“……you see the earth barren and lifeless, but when We pour down rain on it, it is stirred (to life), it swells, and it puts forth every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)” (al-hajj-5).
The existence of natural laws in pair is also evident from the fact that fire, which normally always burns, did not burn Hazrat Ibrahim (as); it means laws relating to fire exists in pair; one law through which fire burns; and the second law through which fire does not burn. Similarly it is a scientific notion that universe contains matter as well as anti-matter; both have contradictory laws.
Quran states about pair of jannah: “But for he who has feared the position of his Lord are two “jannahs” (al-rahman-46).
Quran also mentions about pairs of animals and human beings. It may be noted that pairs of everything stated in sura al-dhariat-49, and sura al-zukhruf-12, mentioned above, are not essentially sexual pairs (male and female); we know that some creatures e.g. some unicellular organisms do not have sexual pairs; such organisms reproduce asexually. It means pairs mentioned in these verses are not essentially sexual pairs in case of animals / humans, rather they may be non-sexual mates/ pairs, as is the case with natural forces, waters etc. explained above. Human pair is also not sexual pair (male and female). In other words, every human/ person exists in the form of a pair; the pair of human body is his/ her soul.

Human being exists in the form of a pair of body and soul. Quran states: “He created you from one soul. Then He appointed from it(soul) its mate/pair (al-zumar-6).
From this verse it is clear that human body is created on the pattern of its soul, and then that body is appointed mate/pair of that soul. (it may be noted that man does have sexual pair but that is mentioned in other verses, not in this verse). In this verse, Allah is addressing whole mankind, and saying that every person of this mankind has been created out of a single ‘nafs/soul’; that single ‘nafs’ must not be taken as Hazrat Adam. The sequence of verse is that first Allah created us out of single ‘nafs’, and then made a pair/mate of that single ‘nafs’; if that single ‘nafs’ is Hazrat Adam, it would mean that first Allah created us out of Hazrat Adam and then made a pair/mate of him. It would means we have been created out of Hazrat Adam before his having a wife/mate. Therefore logically we can’t take the words ‘single nafs’ as referring to Hazrat Adam. Moreover,  the addressee of this verse is whole mankind including Hazrat Adam; in other words, Allah is telling, in this verse, about the creation of whole mankind including Hazrat Adam, and Allah is saying everyone of mankind has been created out of a single ‘nafs’; that single ‘nafs’ is human soul. In this verse word ‘nafs’ has been used with meaning of ‘human soul’. 
In Quran, at other places too, this word ‘nafs’ has been used in the meaning of ‘human soul’. For instance sura al-naziat-40 states:  “But as for he who feared the position of his Lord and prevented the soul (nafs) from [unlawful] inclination” (al-naziat-40).
Similarly sura qaf states: “And every soul (nafs) will come, with it a driver and a witness” (qaf-21).  In this verse too, word ‘nafs’ means soul; the driver is human body through which soul acts obediently or disobediently, and in this way human body carries human soul to its destination/ station- good or bad station.
Similarly al-anam states: “And it is He who produced you from one soul (nafs) and [gave you] a place of dwelling and repository. We have detailed the signs for a people who understand” (al-anam-98).
The place of dwelling for soul, mentioned in this verse, is human body; and repository will be the final station of soul; in other words, soul rests in human body for doing deeds, and those deeds determine soul’s final destination.
From all these verses quoted above, it is clear that human being is created out of a single nafs; that ‘single nafs’ can’t be referred to Hazrat Adam; that ‘single nafs’ is human soul. (it does not mean that human beings have not been created out of Hazrat Adam; surely they have been, but that fact is mentioned in other Quranic verses, not in these verses quoted above).
In fact, every human body is created out of its soul and then is appointed mate/ pair of such soul; every human body is a true reflection of its soul; human body contains all the characteristics embedded in its soul. The greater a human body actualizes these characteristics, the more it functions like a soul. Depending upon the level of actualization, a human body can be weightless like a soul; it can fly in the air like a soul (as our Aulia Allah do); it can travel with immeasurable speed like a soul; it can see beyond the limits of ordinary human sight as a soul can do; it can be so refined like soul that no shadow of it can be formed (Hazrat Muhammad’s (saw) body had no shadow).  Human body always acts according to dictation of its soul; if the soul gives good direction, the human body acts in good way; if the soul gives bad direction, the human body acts accordingly.  That is why when a human body expires, its soul is rewarded or punished according to human body’s actions. It is a misconception that soul always leads towards Allah; if it were so, why it should be punished for bad deeds of human body?
After death, but before Judgment Day, human soul is rewarded or punished for the good or bad deeds done by it through the human body; this intervening span of time period includes reward or punishment of grave. When the Judgment Day would come, human body will be resurrected and its soul will be combined to it as it is combined in this worldly life. This fact is described in sura al-takveer-7 which states about Judgment Day:
“And when the souls are paired”.
In this verse too, word ‘nafoos’ means souls; this verse tells us about the union of souls with their respective bodies.
We may conclude that Allah has created everything in pairs. All creatures including natural laws, natural forces, animals, plants, human beings, human ideas and practices exist in pairs. The pair of human being is its soul. This fact has been discovered by scientists in respect of some creatures; but it is yet to be discovered in respect of remaining creatures.