Monday, 30 May 2011

Marriage with Non-Muslim Women

It is commonly believed that Muslim men are allowed to marry non-Muslim “Ahl-e-kitaab” women. Let us thrash out this matter in the light of Quranic injunctions.

Before scrutinizing the Quranic verses in this regard, the term of "Ahl-e-kitaab" needs to be understood. This term, in Quran, has NOT been used to mention any particular religion; in fact, the Quran uses this term to describe those peoples who were following any book revealed before Quran. These peoples, in Quranic terminology, are not essentially Jews or Christians; these may also be Muslims. This fact is endorsed by the Surah Hashr-2 which reveals that " this is He who expelled from their houses those who became "kafir" out of "Ahl-e-kitaab"; it means all "Ahl-e-kitaab" are not “kafir”. At other places too( e.g. Ale Imran-113, 114) in Quran, mention has been made about "ahl-e-emaan" among the “Ahl-e-kitaab”. Briefly speaking, the term "Ahl-e-kitaab" in Quran, is used to mention group of people who were given revealed books before Quran; this group of people includes Jews and Christian as well as Muslims which-before having belief in Quran- believed in books revealed before Quran.

The Quranic text which is mostly relied upon to justify Muslim men's marriage with non-Muslim "Ahl-e-kitaab" women is Surah Maidah-5 which states that "..... food of those who were given scriptures before you is lawful for you (Muslims)……. and lawful are for you "Muhsanaat" of those who were given Book before you(Muslims). In this verse, the word "Muhsanaat" is mistakenly used with meanings "free and pious women"; in fact, in this verse, its meanings are "married women". In fact, this word “Muhsanat” has also been used with the same meanings - i.e. married women - in the Surah Nisa-24.

A superficial analysis of Maidah-5 reflects that lawfulness of food of "Ahl-e-kitaab" for the Muslims is conditional one. For instance, if any "Ahl-e-kitaab" offers pork to a Muslim, such food would not be lawful for the Muslim. Similarly, lawfulness of "Muhsanaat"-married women- from "Ahl-e-kitaab" is also conditional one. There are two conditions described in the Quran in this regard. One condition has been enshrined in Surah Baqra-221 which forbids Muslims from marrying "Mushrikaat". And the second condition has been clearly elaborated in Surah Al-Mumtahanah- 10 which states that :"........ And hold not to marriage bonds with disbelieving women. From the direction " hold not to marriage bonds with disbelieving women", it is clear that not only marriage with non-muslim women is forbidden but also such previous marriage bonds which existed before revelation of this verse have been directed to be broken up. Surah Maidah-5 describes a general principle that Muslims are allowed to marry married women from "Ahl-e-kitaab"; whereas exceptions to this principle have been enjoined in Baqra-221 and Mumtahanah-10. Keeping in view these two exceptions and the fact that the group of "Ahl-e-kitaab" includes both non- Muslims and certain Muslims as well, we can clearly conclude that if non-believing women from "Ahl-e-kitaab" and " Mushrikaat" from "Ahl-e-kitaab" are not allowed to be married by the Muslims , then only one group of women from the "Ahl-e-kitaab" is left, which is lawful for the Muslims under Maidah-5, and that is the group of Muslim women from the "Ahl-e-kitaab".

It is quite clear from this analysis that word "Muhsanaat" used in Surah Maidah-5 means "married women"; it is misunderstanding to infer from this word that "all free women-Muslim or non-Muslim- belonging to 'Ahl-e-kitaab', are lawful for the Muslim men. Actually term "Ahl-e-kitaab" is used to denote both non-Muslim and Muslim groups of "Ahl-e-kitaab; only Muslim women from "Ahl-e-kitaab" are lawful for the Muslims.

Alliance with Non-Muslims

The present dismal scenario overridden with bomb blasts and almost daily loss of innocent lives in Pakistan particularly and in the Muslim world generally forces every thinking mind to unearth the reality of various factors responsible for this fiasco. Let us have a critical look into the causes leading towards the confusion which actually provides breeding ground for creating this blood tainted scenario.We shall confine our argumentation to the religious roots of this troublesome disaster.

The root cause of this disaster befalling on innocent Pakistani citizens is that perpetrators of this disaster think they are justified in blasting innocent Pakistani citizens in the settled areas because Pakistan is in alliance with USA and NATO forces, which are killing tribal Pakistanis.

Let us have a look at what Quran says about'alliance with non-muslims. The Surah Al-Mumtehenah-1 reveals that " O, Muslims, don't be dependent/allies with enemies of Me and your's". Surah Al-Mujidilah-22, reveals that " you will not find any peoples who believe in Allah and the Day of Judgement that they would be reliant/allies with those who are hostile to Allah and His Messenger..... (SAW). Who is to be considered as enemy and hostile to Allah and Muslims? It is further elaborated in The Al-Mumtehnah-8, which states " Allah does not forbid you from dealing with kindness and justice with those who do not fight against you in connection with Deen and do not expel you from your houses".The verse 9 of the same chapter states " Allah forbids you from being dependent/allies with those who fought against you in connection with Deen and who expelled you from your houses and their supporters;those who will be dependent/allies with them, are wrong-doers".
From these verses, it is crystal clear that Muslims are forbidden from making alliance with such non-muslims who fight against muslims in connection with Deen, and expel muslims from their homes; and who are their supporters in such fight and expulsion.

These verses clearly constrain Muslims from forging alliance with the USA and NATO Alliance. Upto this stage, tribal Pakistanis are right in their opinion that Pakistan's alliance with the USA and NATO forces is un-islamic and forbidden in Islam. But the way they are responding to this un-islamic alliance is equally un-islamic in its nature. The tribal Pakistanis are failing in appreciating that Pakistani citizens are not in alliance with the USA; it is only governmental authorities which are in alliance with USA. Therefore, any act, on the part of tribal Pakistanis, which is playing havoc with the lives of innocent Pakistani citizens, is as much un-islamic and forbidden as is kiiling of tribal Pakistanis at the hands of USA and Pakistani authorities combined.