Qadyanis take Mirza Ghulam Qadyani as Maseel e Masih. They
believe the original Masih Ibn e Maryam has died and the Masih who is to return
to this earth is not Masih Ibn e Maryam rather he is Maseel e Masih who is
Mirza Ghulam Qadyani who has already appeared in the last part of 19th
century in India and who has died in 1st decade of 20th
century. In the succeeding lines, we would see Qadyanis’ this view in the light of Quran and Hadith.
The first part of Qdyanies’ view is that original
Masih Ibn e Maryam has died. Let us see what Quran says about Hazrat Masih’
a.s. death. Quran states:
when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you (mutawaffika) and raise
you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve until the Day
of Qiyamah. After that to Me
is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used
to differ (al-imran-55).
A plain reading of
sequence of this verse tells clearly that first Allah will give Christians
(people following Jesus) superiority over the people not believing hazrat Isa
(as) and this superiority will continue till Qiyamah. After that- means
after this superiority would have continued till Qiyamah (word ‘summa’ in
Arabic language means ‘after that’) hazrat Isa (and people) will return to
Allah (means they will die on or near Qiyamah) and Allah will judge between the
people in which they used to differ. It may be noted that addressee of this
verse is hazrat Isa (as) but word 'kum' in the word ‘ merjiokum’/ your return’
is a plural word; that means 'merjiokum'/ 'your return' indicates not only death
of hazrat Isa (as) but also death of all people around, on/ near Qiyamah.
This above mentioned
verse clearly states that Hazrat Isa a.s will die on/ near Qiyamah- it means
Isa a.s. has not died yet. Therefore Qadyanis’ view about death of Isa a.s. is
The second part of
Qadyanis’s view is that the Masih who is to return to earth is not original
Masih Ibn e Maryam; rather he is Maseel e Masih. We again return to above
mentioned verse in order to rebut this view of Qadyanis.
There is no second view
that above mentioned verse is about Isa Ibn e Maryam; the addressee of this
verse is Isa Ibn e Maryam who has been taken and raised to Allah, and obviously
this is Isa Ibn e Maryam. This verse is clearly saying that this Isa Ibn e
Maryam has not yet died because he is to die on/near Qiyamah along-with other
people around. That means he a.s. would be on earth along-with other people, when
Qiyamah would occur on earth. That means the Masih who is to return to earth is
original Masih Ibn e Maryam, not a Maseel e Masih. Moreover the long hadith in
Sahih Muslim also specifies that Isa Ibn e Maryam would return to people on
earth. The word ‘ Ibn e Maryam’ mentioned in that hadith clarifies that the
coming Masih is Ibn e Maryam, not Ibne someone else.
This verse Ale Imran-55
also makes the prediction the nations who disbelieve Isa .a.s. (means who deny
Isa’s a.s. Resalah and Nabuwwah) would be inferior to nations who follow Isa
Ibn e Maryam. That means all nations except Muslims (because Muslims believed
in Resalah/Nabuwwah of Isa a.s.) would be inferior to Christian nations till
Qiyamah and Christian nations’ combined strength would be greater/ superior to
all those nations who do not believe in Resalah/ Nabuwwah of Isa Ibn e Maryam.
This verse Ale Imran-55
states that first Allah will give Isa’s followers a superiority over the
disbelievers of Isa a.s. and that superiority will continue till Qiyamah. After
that Isa and people would die. It is obvious when Isa a.s. was taken and raised
to Allah, Christians were not superior to people who did not have faith in Isa
Ibn e Maryam. Actually Christians started getting strength after three
centuries had passed after exaltation of Isa Ibn e Maryam; that means
exaltation/ rising of Isa a.s. to Allah cannot be treated as death of Isa a.s.
because Christians were not superior at that time to disbelievers of Isa a.s.
Now that Christians have got superiority to disbelievers of Isa a.s., Allah may
make him return to earth but that period of his return will be closer to
Qiyamah as is mentioned in Ale Imran-55.
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