Sunday, 4 March 2018

Physical Intellectual Faculty vs Non-physical Intellectual Faculty

We have already seen in the article that - like everything created- Intellect, senses, Idea  all exist in pairs. One part of Intellect is what is driven by what we call physical senses, and the other part of Intellect is driven by extra sensory senses. Similarly physical senses are paired with extra sensory senses.  Some Ideas are perceived through physical senses whereas others are perceived through extra sensory senses. In other words, physical Intellectual faculty is paired with non-physical Intellectual faculty.
 We have also seen in the article  and  that human intentions/ideas which are inherently embedded in unconscious part of human mind have actually been developed by man, before his birth, in response to life events he has to face in his life after taking birth in this world. It means all events which act as stimuli to develop human intentions  have become part of human conscious before his/her birth. In other words, not only human intentions/ideas but also all stimuli/ events which cause those intentions/ ideas to happen, are inherently embedded in unconscious part of human mind; not only human intentions/ideas but also human life incidents are pre-determined and are inherently embedded in the unconscious part of human mind. In other words, whole universe, and whatever happens in it, exists in human mind, and is inherently embedded in human mind and is predetermined. But it does not mean this creation is unreal/vanity; Quran says this universe and whatever exists in it is real (sad-27). It means though this creation exists in human mind but it is brought into being as well whenever Allah wills it so. When the things embedded in unconscious mind are moved by Allah from the unconscious mind to sub conscious or conscious mind, those things are actually brought into being in reality. In this way human intentions are made known to him. 
The human intentions/ideas inherently embedded in unconscious mind are moved to sub-conscious and conscious mind through two ways: through physical senses or through non-physical senses. If carried through physical senses, these ideas are called physical ideas; if carried through non-physical senses, these ideas are called non-physical ideas. As mentioned above, these Ideas/ intentions are developed by a human in response to life events he has to face in his life after taking birth in this world, such events may be of two kinds: perceived through physical senses or perceived through non-physical senses. In other words, these Ideas are moved from unconscious mind to sub conscious or conscious mind through an event perceived through physical intellect or through non-physical intellect.
It may be appreciated that all humans contain both kinds of faculties i.e. physical intellectual faculty and non-physical intellectual faculty. The conclusions of both intellectual faculties may be good or bad, correct or wrong. The conclusions of both physical intellect and non-physical intellect are fed to human conscious (which is the third layer of human conscious after unconscious and sub-conscious) which decides, (keeping in view the conclusions made by both kinds of intellectual faculties) as to good or bad deed  to be undertaken by the human.  It may be appreciated that human conscious is free to adopt or reject any one intellectual faculty’s conclusion or both intellectual faculties’ conclusions (for details plz see

The human conscious (the third layer of conscious) actually uses Intuition (capability to perceive right or wrong) to take a right decision/ good decision.  The Ideas called Wahi (both prophetic and non-prophetic wahi) and Intuition are carried to human conscious through non-physical intellect. The difference between a prophet and non-prophet may be marked through two exceptions. Firstly, in case of prophet, non-physical intellect always works under Allah’s control; consequently non-physical intellect’s conclusions never go wrong in case of a prophet. Secondly, in case of prophet, Allah takes responsibility to convey accurately to the prophet’s conscious the conclusions made by non-physical intellect so that the prophet’s conscious may take decision to accept or reject those conclusions using his free will. But, in case of non-prophet, both above mentioned exceptions do not exist; that means non-prophet’s non-physical intellect’s conclusions may be or may not be correct, and non-prophet’s conscious may or may not receive with 100% accuracy the conclusions made by his non-physical intellect.  That is why a prophet’s understanding of Wahi is compulsorily to be adopted by a non-prophet, and a non-prophet’s ideas (whether carried through physical or through non-physical intellect) has to be rejected, if it contradicts the prophet’s understanding of Wahi. It may also be appreciated that Idea called Intuition (capability to perceive anything as good/bad or right/wrong one) is carried through non-physical intellect; non-physical intellect, when carries intuition, always works correctly. Therefore a prophet’s conscious also uses his Intuition in order to adopt the conclusions of his non-physical intellect; in other words, a prophet uses his intuition in order to adopt ‘Wahi’ with his free will.