Friday, 6 March 2015

Training Need Assessment Based on KPIs

Already we have devised KPIs for Punjab Public Prosecution Department. These KPIs may be made a basis of a comprehensive plan for performance improvement in the department. In the following, a tool for  Training Need Assessment based on KPIs related performance has been devised for comments of the friends.


1.Personal Data

i. Name :
      ii.    Age Group:          Up to 30          31-40             41-50            above 50 years
      iii.      Designation:
      iv.   B.S.
       v.   Place of Posting:
       vi.      Contact No.
       vii.   Highest Qualification (Please mention the Highest Degree)
       viii. Total Length of Govt. Service (in years):
         ix.           Duration at Present Posting (in years):
2. Previous Training Information:
Please mention number of trainings attended during last seven years

Sr. No.
Year of training
Duration of training
Name of training
Name of training institute




3. Training Need Assessment Based on KPIs
3.1. Pre-trial Case Preparation
Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.1.1 Record keeping of prosecution case documents

3.1.2 Communication during case preparation

3.1.3 Scrutiny of reports u/s 9(5)

3.1.4 Report Writing u/s 9(7)

3.1.5 Understanding and applying legal provisions and case law

3.2. Execution of Trial Cases

Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.2.1 Conduct of trial skills (e.g. relating to summon; bail; witness recording etc)

3.2.2 Argumentative skills

3.2.3 Medical and forensic evidence

3.3 Post Trial Cases
Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.3.1 Judgment analysis skills

3.3.2 Appeal filing procedure

3.4 Procurement Procedures
Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.4.1 Punjab procurement rules

3.4.2 Procurement Planning

3.4.3 Preparation of bidding documents (e.g. advertisement; specifications; qualification and evaluation criterions; contract/work order etc.)

3.5 Human Resources Management
Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.5.1 Administrative and disciplinary laws & rules

3.5.2 Recruitment and selection

3.5.3 Staff appraisal & development

3.6 Financial Management
Name of Training
Relevant KPIs and points in % scored thereof
Trainings Needed the Most
3.6.1 Financial record keeping

3.6.2 Planning and preparation of budget

3.6.3 Audit and pre-audit

3.6.4 Financial rules and procedures (e.g. Delegation of financial power rules; re-appropriation; disbursement; bills; financial statements; making entries;  budgetary accounts/heads etc)

3.7 Monitoring and Evaluation
Name of Training
Trainings Needed the Most
3.7.1 Application of KPIs

3.7.2 Performance evaluation based on KPIs

3.7.3 Performance impact assessment based on KPIs

3.8 Others
Name of Training
Trainings Needed the Most
3.8.1 MS Office (word/power point/excel)

3.8.2 Other software/computer skills for case management

3.8.3 Report writing

3.8.4 Problem solving

3.8.5 Team management and leadership