Sunday 8 January 2012

Descending of Hazrat Isa (Jesus) (as)

The Muslims usually cherish opinion that hazrat Isa (as) has not died yet; that he has been lifted to upper sky; and that he would descend to this earth one day, live his life here and then he would die a natural death. Let us analyze this viewpoint in the light of Quran.
Quran states:  “when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you (mutawaffeeka) and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve until the Day of Resurrection. After that (summa) to Me is your return, and I will judge between you concerning that in which you used to differ” (al-imran-55).

The sequence of this verse states that first Allah will take Isa (as) and raise him to Himself and make him free of disbelievers. And Allah will make people following him superior to those who do not have faith in him, and this superiority will continue till Qiyamah. After that (summa) he (and people) will return to Him (Allah) and Allah will judge between people in which they used to differ.

A plain reading of this sequence of the verse tells clearly that first Allah will give Christians (people following Hazrat Jesus) superiority over the people not believing hazrat Isa (as) and this superiority will continue till Qiyamah. [it may be noted that Muslims do have faith in Hazrat Isa (as) so Muslims will not be dominated by Christian like other non Christian nations will be dominated forever].  After that (word ‘summa’  in Arabic language means ‘after that’) hazrat Isa (and people) will return to Allah (means they will die (on Qiyamah) and Allah will judge between the people in which they used to differ. It may be noted that addressee of this verse is hazrat Isa (as); therefore the word ‘ merjiokum’/ your return’ includes hazrat Isa (as) as well. In other words, first Allah will give Christians superiority over non-Muslim and non-Christian people not having faith in hazrat Isa (as) and this superiority will continue till Qiyamah, and after that hazrat Isa will die.

We can draw two conclusions from this verse. First is that  the word ‘mutawaffeeka’ used in the first part of this verse does not mean “ will give you death”; because it is obvious that when hazrat Isa (as) was made ‘mutawaffi’, Christians were not superior to people not having faith in Isa (as); it means word ‘mutawaffeeka’ does not mean “ give you death”; rather it means “take you”. 
 Secondly we can conclude that death yet has not occured to hazrat Isa (as). Death will occur to hazrat Isa (as) after Christians will have got superiority over the people not having faith in hazrat Isa (as) and death will occur to Hazrat Isa (and people) on (or/near) Qiyamah.  Now that Christians have got superiority over non-Muslims and non Christian people not having faith in hazrat Isa (as), he may descend to this earth whenever Allah wills it so and he and people will die on (or/near) qiyamah.

From this discussion it becomes clear that death has not yet occurred to hazrat Isa (as); he has been raised towards Allah and living in upper sky (for details plz see my article ' period of Masih's stay in upper sky). But day will come when he will descend to earth, live his life over here, and then he will die.

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